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Tech Geek –The Future is Now!


Come out, all of you who call yourselves tech-savvy! Itching for Tech news? Nah, no news this time, just purely a mind blowing list of recent and future techs and a brief time machine action to see how far we’ve gone now. Nothing interesting, eh? Just wait till you see that Oculus Rift on the list. Or perhaps that 8K SUHD TV or that acoustic drive hologram engine? And there’s more, the aforementioned is just a pinky to list.

So I was scanning on the latest, recent and past CES (Consumer Electronics Show) and tech updates for a while now, and what I found will surely blow your mind. Maybe not, if you aren’t into these things but who in the world wouldn’t be attracted to these? So let’s charge that tech-savvy instincts of yours (if you have some) and waken up that geeky kid in you! I’m probably holding your breath so now let’s unroll this not-so-long list.

If we talk about Tech, you would probably be thinking of gaming consoles, TV’s, 3D Printers, or gadgets. And you’re right! In order this not-so-long list shorter, we’ll break things into bits.
[nextpage title=”Gadgets” ]

A Geek’s Gear

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 1 Samsung Smartwatch and almost all other tech biggies are owning an own version of their smartwatch, Apple has their own too. Who would not? These guys do some things which only hospitals, studios and your phones does for you. I’m talking about the fitness sensors, the phone features, camera and artistic electronics embedded on these devices. Bringing that convenience all unto your wrist. And it doesn’t stop there. As years go by, these guys are slowly packed up with more sensors, perhaps an embedded laser gun, x-ray sensor, or a hologram projector. What about that? Too fancy, but absolutely possible. Cool your asses and wait. [/box]
Take time to appreciate the beauty of the Samsung Gear Fit. Other variants of the Galaxy Gear are also available.
Of course Sony wouldn’t allow themselves to be left behind. Classic, right?
The ASUS Zenwatch. They say it’s one of the best. How about you try purchasing one, and discover for yourself?
This creature who seemingly can captivate every tech geek. Just look at it’s edges. Google did something awesome, and this is it. The Nexus Smartwatch

I really ain’t rooting for the Apple Smartwatch. You better buy two Rolex, or whatsoever. Just don’t. Luxury gone wrong.[/nextpage]
[nextpage title=”Phone” ]

Phone Tech

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 2What can you say about the S5, Z3, or that iPhone 6? Outstanding phones, right? Well, you are about to forget all about that. You must probably heard about Project Ara. You don’t? Oh, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Project Ara is a modular electronic concept that will give you the freedom to choose the parts you want for your phone. We’ll for me, I would want a 20MP front camera, 41MP rear, 50,000maH battery, Super AMOLED Screen, and 4.7 GHz processor, 16GB RAM. And what’s good is that you just need to assemble your phone like puzzle pieces and fit them right through their respective module ports. Isn’t that pretty awesome? The concept is real but isn’t in the market yet and fortunately the wait is almost over. It is here by 2016. Prepare to get your iPhone boos and woos. Hey Ara. Hello Module.. [/box]

I almost died when I first saw this visualization of the Ara. Such beauty in power.
This one is for the dude and chics who prefer the style. It’s entirely customizable. The kind of entire DIY.

I probably said too much about the ARA. But here’s a collated photo for the soon-to-be-classics. These are the bests of today and still up-to-date. Tell me not dream so much of Ara because these phones are very sexy.
[nextpage title=”Gaming” ]

Gamers Hub

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 3 Gaming: Oculus Rift maybe two years in the spotlight and indeed it deserves to within it for a longer time. This VR(Virtual Reality) tech will definitely be the future of gaming (sadly, not everyone could afford). And it’s going better like ever. You may also want an alternative one, Razer Edge/Surface Gaming Tablets. Windows and Razers? Hmmm worth a try. How about turning your phone into a full featured PlayStation console? That may not be new, but if I found one, I won’t bother getting a girlfriend. Gamers love their game not less than their consoles but having a high-end Oculus as a console or a complete set for PlayStation Now, I will never be going back to Kinect ever. [/box]

Ever heard of the Oculus Rift? The world’s most advanced VR Technology made solely for gaming? Of course you do. Don’t doubt. If every it gets you excited, buy one.
Samsung also has it’s gaming VR. And it’s Oculus-powered.

How about turning your phone into this one? Unfortunately only for the Z3. But isn’t this outstanding? Call it awesome.

[nextpage title=”TV” ]

The Couch Partner

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 4TV: I still remember that time when TV’s were mute? And because of that I feel I’m too old already. It just seems that yesterday, vacuum ray tubes was the thing. Then it turned into flat screens, then LED, HD TV, UHD TV and now a stunning SUHD TV. I don’t want to drop names of TV tech biggies because honestly any of them can surpass each other in a matter of months or perhaps weeks. The TV world is a fast-paced tech subject and its evolution is insanely rapid. Think about 2014 when everyone was itching to buy their flat screen HD TV when snappishly 4X UHD TV came into the market. 4K for four times better resolution, density and display than the best of your best HD TV’s and in this year 8K SUHD TV’s emerged in the market. And everyone is buying it already. Imagine that, 8 times the quality of an HD TV. You can probably zoom in to view the white blood cells of ants with that. I’m saying, the quality is insane. And it’s bringing all the internet feature from our hands to our living room. No wonder, why it’s a click.. [/box]
I know. I know it’s not that convincing. And would the details really matter? Oh yes it would.
If you were to buy, which would you choose?

[nextpage title=”Robotics” ]

Genius Mech

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 5 This tech area scares me a lot. I probably have watched too much of the Terminator movie. But no matter where I look, it’s scary but oh! The tech has been expanding an evolving unlike the past so far. Remember that robot teacher in Asia? That’s outrageously impressive and now on hospitals and even in military. Let’s go to the specifics. Drones. Yes drones are a thing. I would want one for myself too. Everyone behind the drone industry aimed for the smallest one and they did. The Parrot Minidrone from CES 2014 is an attractive one. It does not just take surveillance and aerial study for you, you can take selfies with it too. That’s hilariously cool. Another thing are 3D printers. I wish I could print a girlfriend. Sadly, not yet. 3D printer gave quite a promise. Just in recently, the biggest 3D printed object has been completed, it’s a house and it’s the first ever. It can print project models, the project itself, miniature self’s and organs in the future. So evil right? But astonishing. [/box]
So this is the Parrot Minidrone. Small yet versatile. View and control your drone from your palm through a smartphone.
I would love to print anything I want but printing a house is insane. The Chinese geek behind this creation is godlike.
And this is the parrot variants and spares. This is so evil.

I’m consumed to the nerdcore and can’t get any longer to the specifics. But I surely have briefed you how awesome tech has become. And because it’s “technology”, it will never stop going better. I would like to ask. Have you even heard the news that the Big Bang could never have happened? Or interstellar travel through space-time manipulation is theoretically possible already? Or that atoms exist in two places at the same time, and that teleportation is near? These news are sexy too. Soon I’ll be writing them down for you too.
Congratulations! You read through the entire article. Take pride, you’re a nerd now. Nerd? You may not like that title, right? Well I have an alternate title. Hey geek! Geek sounds much cooler. Whatever! Geek or nerd, cheers to that. I’m probably going back to writing tech specific news. So come back here, once in a while. You’ll be surprised how geek you’ve become.

Get Answers To Your Questions, Only at Ask Sugbu!


You sure have a few questions in mind. Questions from plain curiosity to wittingly insensible ones. Like a proverb says, “A question deserves an answer.” We will give you an avenue for that and here it is – Ask Sugbu.

We have answers to your most asked, less asked, not-so-asked persistent questions. From psycho, to medical, to scientific, even to non-sense and myths which can be exceedingly funny.

You might ask “How to get a girlfriend?”, “How to swoon the boys?” or to even “How do dinosaurs have sex?” We will provide answers to your unexplained questions in a video, direct to the bones.

Like the first line said, “You should have one” or come back here if you found one.

Comment your questions below or email me at [email protected]. Ask now, Get your answers later!

KINAMOT sa Sugbu!


Cebuanos definitely love to eat. There is no doubt to that. When it comes to food, we seldom say no. Our history itself tells of a race where eating slowly and chewing a lot of times before swallowing the food is a big NO-NO. Our large appetite definitely sets us apart from the rest of the world.

Eating bare handed is not only common among the Cebuanos, but to all Filipinos elsewhere. Ever since the ancient times, our ancestors used to eat the very same way. Maybe this habit of eating in such a way has been passed on from then, or maybe not. We can never know for sure. No matter how hard we deny it, we definitely prefer “kinawboy style” rather than eating using a spoon and a fork.


Some say it’s Barbaric, it’s kinda BUT IT’S NOT

We, Filipinos, eat more three times a day. We love rice. We have lot of fiestas which means more food. And the thing that matters the most, we eat bare handed. In spite of being educated in terms of proper etiquette, we still prefer to eat with our bare hands. Why is this so?

Understanding what has long been a habit will not be as easy as 1-2-3. However, with the help of a few citizens and netizens, we may be able to discern what “kinamot” really is to us.

“Mas feel nako mukaon kung magkinamot ko”

According to them, eating bare handed just feels right. They seem to have more appetite if they eat bare handedly. Eating magically becomes better and more enticing when the hands are involved. A few say that they eat like this because it is easier to grab food with the hands.

Some said that, maybe, just maybe the ways of our fore fathers has been passed on to us genetically that’s why eating with our hands just feels so natural to us that we prefer this over anything else. Others, say that we are barely living the culture which has been shared to us. However, for me, I say we do so because it is just the way it is.


Your spoon and fork have no power here, your bare hands do! Conclusion? Kinamot depends on the food and how it is served.

I believe that the touch, sight, sense and taste that can be drawn with one’s hands cannot be achieved with the aid of a fork, knife or spoon. This is what makes the experience worth more than anything else. But, we must not forget that hygiene always come first. No matter how logical it is to eat with our bare hands, if in exchange our health becomes at risk, then it is better to use the aid of kitchen utensils. Especially nowadays where sickness is widespread all around us.

Photo from the wires.

#Sugbustagram Weekly Dose of OOTD: Passion for Fashion


First and foremost, I know that I did slack off. I started my OOTD contest yet I wasn’t so consistent about it.

Second and secondly, I will make it up to you. I will be CONSISTENTLY posting the winners for my WEEKLY OOTD. When I say consistently, I will be posting every Friday night and I’ll be choosing the winners up until 11:59 PM, Thursday of the same week.

To those who want to know the criteria, here’s how it works. You post the image of your OOTD on your Instagram / Facebook with the hashtags (#) #OOTD #SugbuPh and tag @SugbuPH. Or, you can submit it directly to: [email protected] for immediate acknowledgement.

I wouldn’t want to keep you guys waiting. Scroll down and be amazed.

Janine Ella

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 1The girl behind LIME & LIFE.

She is a FASHION BLOGGER. Yes, you read it right. No wonder she’s able to pull off such ensemble. Let me tell you one thing though; she’s more than just that angelic face because she also possesses an angelic heart and soul. Keep it up, Ella! [/box]

Jovan Esmenos

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 2 If you guys know this guy, you better tell him to see me. Hahajk! Seriously though, this is one fo my personal picks. Huehue. I just love the idea of pairing those eye-catching shoes with such simple top and bottom. Good job, Jovan Esmenos! [/box]

Chara Maive Amor

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]3 Have I told you that origami shorts is no longer trendy? But after seeing this photo of Chara Maive Amor Gabiana, let me think twice. Haha! I love the idea of mixing the black bottom and white top. It makes the look so vintage. That no matter how old this photo will grow by time, it’ll still look trendy. That’s something this girl is good at! [/box]

Lori Geisha

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 4 It’s almost summer and this girl’s definitely ready for it. Lori Geisha Cabrera is just loving the sea breeze, huh? But, that’s not the reason why she’s posted here. The reason is because she’s acing the conservatively liberal outfit for summer. It looks hot but the outfit’s still not that daring. Hence, it’s comfortable to wear. Nice one, Shai! [/box]

No. 5

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 5Five people in 1 photo and Idc! They deserve to be posted here. Such elegance and glamour in one photo. I don’t know them all but if you happen to know one of them, please tell them that they’re posted here because they’re more than just awesome. If there’s a word in the English dictionary better than glamorous, tell me so I can tag them. ;) [/box]

Fetzie Veloso

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] 6Having 2 babies is not a reason for you to stop working out. Just look at this pretty/hot/effervescent/smart/sexy mom of 2! She look more than just hot even though Fetzie Veloso Cinco is wearing a plain white tee, on top of her blue faded jeans. Hey wait! Don’t forget that pointed stilettos though. Keep it up, Ate Fetzie! [/box]

There you have it for this week! I know you guys are craving for more OOTDs. Well, request granted. All you have to do is to keep yourselves posted for every week’s (Friday) OOTD post. We’ll be posting more photos, soon.

The SECRETS on how to look skinny, INSTANTLY


“I need to look skinny on this ensemble.”

The phrase I have always been telling myself whenever I dress myself up for an occasion (or even during ordinary days). I know I’m vain, but so what? On an honest note though, I have always been wanting to look skinny in anything that I wear. I believe it’s the main reason why I have A LOT of dark-colored pieces in my closet. Well, it’s March now but let’s be honest, we still have those fat gained during those holiday parties, visible. Don’t worry guys, I feel you. Like, seriously.

After all those merrymaking, getting back into shape just seems like a daunting idea. All those too-familiar feeling of holiday binge doesn’t seem to end, right? Don’t fret. Just keep on reading as I give you tips on how to fake and look skinny.

While we have a lot of social obligations to attend to, looking good (despite the added weight and inches) is still mandatory. By finding the right angle, changing your hairstyle, carefully curating your wardrobe, I’ve got number of ways to still look your best.


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]1CHANGE YOUR HAIRSTYLE.
Now is a great chance to start a new beginning – most especially with your mane. Choosing the right hairstyle can be the easiest way to take the weight off your face. You just need to choose a cut that’ll elongate your face rather than something that accentuates roundness. That’s just one trick to give an appearance of a slimmer face. Having said that, “avoid anything with a fringe or jaw-length styles”.[/box]


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]2WHEN IT COMES TO ACCESSORIES, “GO BIG OR GO HOME!”
Big bags and wearing an oversized jewelry will make you look slimmer while higher heels will elongate your legs. However, when wearing larger than life accessories, one tip is, DON’T OVERDO IT! When wearing those, the key to avoid looking like a fashion disaster is by keeping balance in shape.[/box]


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]3REFINE YOUR WARDROBE.
As I was saying, it’s essential for us to choose an ensemble that flatters your body type rather than merely following the trends. I am not saying that you should not follow the trend though, just make sure that it compliments your body type, okay?


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]4INVEST IN YOUR UNDERWEAR.
I’m a firm believer that one of the important elements in a woman’s wardrobe is her underwear. Shape-wear is the easiest way to change your silhouette without you having to visit the gym. If you’re that girl going from lumpy and bumpy to smooth and slender, you need to choose the right underwear. “Hey! I’m your bestfriend,” says SPANX. Just make sure to fit everything before heading to the counter before it’s too late.[/box]


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]5FIND YOUR ANGLE. How true is it that you’re likely 10lbs heavier or a few inches fatter in pictures? Well, learning which body parts to tweak and turn is the key to the winning shot. All you need to do is keep a straight back, tuck your bottom, keep your tummy in; place one leg slightly in front of the other, bending your back leg a little, and never forget to lift your arms slightly away from your torso. Facially, tilt your chin down and look upwards the camera. I’m sure you’ll be acing the next shot.[/box]

Photos are taken from The Wires

Cebu Westown Lagoon, a Modern City Paradise



The temperature is on the rise and summer is just around the corner. Time to pack up and have fun under the heat of the sun. Summer is definitely on! What are you up to this summer?

Otakufest 2015: The Untold Stories


This year’s Otakufest has gone and is now making their trip down our memory lane. But I would like to take you back. Back to the underlying stories you have probably missed and for those who weren’t there, haven’t heard of.

University Quiz: How well do you know CIT?


As one of the top academic institutions in Cebu and in the Philippines, Cebu Institute of Technology – University (CIT) has always been a home for topnotchers. It has been continuously producing values-driven, highly competent and innovative Technologians — just explains why most employers are always running after the graduates of CIT.

Are you a proud Technologian? Take this test to know how well do you know your Alma Mater.

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What score did you get? Share it to us by leaving a comment below!

University Quiz: How well do you know USC?


A premier university in Cebu, the University of San Carlos (USC) is one of the top 10 leading universities in the Philippines and is among the top 300 universities in Asia. Apart from these, USC has proven its topnotch value by continuously producing renowned leaders, exceptional professionals and whatnots. No wonder, graduates or students who call themselves as Carolinians proudly bring the name of their school wherever they go.

Assuming that you’re a Carolinian, how well do you know your alma mater? Take this test to find out.

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What score did you get? Share it to us by leaving a comment below!

University Quiz: How well do you know USJR?


One of the pioneering universities in Cebu, the University of San Jose – Recoletos (USJR) has always been committed in transforming Josenians to become more responsive leaders of the society through innovation integral formation while bringing the Christian values.

Are you truly a Josenian? Really? Well, let this fun quiz decide.

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What score did you get? Share it to us by leaving a comment below!