The rise in the confirmed cases of COVID-19 virus has placed Cebu and most of the nation under community quarantine. It’s a restriction in the movement of people, in layman’s term, that is to stay at home as much as possible.
With this, Visayan Electric Co. (VECO), Mactan Electric Company (MECO) and Cebu Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CEBECO) are giving a 30-day payment extension for all bills that are due on March 15 to April 14, 2020.
VECO Hotlines
- (032) 230-8326
- Facebook Page
MECO Hotlines
- (032) 340 2916
- (032) 340 2917
- (032) 340 2918
CEBECO Hotlines
- CEBECO 1: 0917 659 8066
- CEBECO II: (032) 434-8151
- CEBECO III: (032) 467-8298

As the threat of the Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 rises every day, the Cebu province has taken a proactive approach and is pulling all stops in protecting the island. Here’s everything you need to know about COVID-19 and its symptoms:
With this, an Executive Order was issued for the implementation of the drastic but necessary measures to avoid the spread of the virus. For more information, head on to:
If you are sick and think you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention, call the local Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice: 0922-397-2334 / 0943-568-3298 / (032) 402-3091 / (032) 402-1269.