From opening your windows to simple breathing exercises – here are ways you can manage your stress at home!

Despite being among the happiest nations, it’s concerning to learn that an estimated 154 million Filipinos are affected by depression, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). With the lingering stigma surrounding mental health, it’s crucial to find effective ways to cope with stress.

So, as a fellow Filipino and Sugboanon, here are things you can do at home to relieve your stress:
Stop and breathe
Us Filipinos are prone to holding our breaths and hustling every hour, that’s why foreign countries prefer our services since we are known to be hardworking. Which is also why we often forget to take a minute and breathe, because we keep on making ourselves busy.

You don’t have to lay down a yoga mat or even take a seat, just stop what you’re doing, relax, and take at least 10 deep breaths. According to studies, deep breaths allow your body to have better and regulated air flow, which affects how our mind works afterwards to reduce stress, anxiety, and calm our nerves.
Soak your feet
Get a small basin, put some table salt, pour in a mixture of hot and lukewarm water, and dip your toes in! Soaking your feet helps release toxins out of your body and relaxes it too, especially if your day job requires you to stand or walk for miles.

Aside from the relaxing benefits of it, the soaking process also helps in exfoliating your skin and reducing inflammation. You can do this twice a week or during the weekends on your rest days.
Open your windows
Yes, it’s hot in Cebu right now but opening your windows to let the sunshine in helps in boosting your serotonin levels.

It elevates your mood, so it’s best to welcome Mr. Sun early in the morning to have the additional brain power and happy pill.
Stretch like a cat
Oh the beauty of being a cat: no work, no bills to pay; just meowing the day away! And that’s why we must follow their stress-relieving exercise which is as simple as doing a bit of stretching.

In yoga terms, the exercise is known as the “Cat-Cow” which focuses on strengthening your shoulders and back, and improving your blood circulation.
Drink water
Water has natural calming properties, which is why when one’s in an anxiety attack, a sip of water is often given.

So, if you feel like your head’s about to explode from everything that’s happening around you, just step back, and take a sip of water. Listen to how your body reacts to the liquid and enjoy every trickle.
Lie on the floor
Our grandmas would scold us if we’re spotted lying on the floor! But, did you know that being on the floor is proven to be relaxing, according to science? Dr. Ellen Hendriksen, a clinical psychologist, confirmed that lying on the floor is beneficial because our postures are open and relaxed.

While in the realm of energies, this action makes us more grounded to the Earth which in turn connects our rhythm to nature and regulates our stress response. So, the next time you want to cry your heart out of frustration, LIE ON THE FLOOR!

These simple practices can go a long way in alleviating stress. However, if you find yourself overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Your mental health matters, and there’s always support available when you need it.
- Organization: Philippine Mental Health Association – Cebu Chapter
- Office Hours: Mon to Fri – 8AM to 5PM
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Facebook Page:
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- Exact Location: Room 3H, 3rd Floor, VR Apartments, Sikatuna St. Zapatera, Cebu City, Philippines

- Organization: DOH Tawag Paglaum – Centro Bisaya
- Contact Numbers: SMART/SUN/TNT: 0939-936-5433 | GLOBE/TM: 0966-467-9626
- Email Address: [email protected]
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