Every now and then, we find ourselves perpetually bored with the same routine of going thru the same social media apps on our phone or our computer. That just makes us think that there must be something new we could try to relieve us of the boredom from staring our screens all day. Here are some interesting websites you can visit whenever you are feeling sad or just plainly bored.

If you’ve been thinking a lot the future version of you, especially how uncertain that it is now considering a pandemic is currently happening, you can write a letter for your ‘future self’ using this website. The message can be delivered on any future date that you wish to choose using the email where you want it to be received. This website has been in service since 2002, and was quite popular over the years.
Link: https://www.futureme.org/

If you’ve been feeling angry, frustrated, or simply just want to rant aside to your friends and family, then this website can be that useful outlet for you. In this website, you can type in anything you want to say, from your deepest, darkest secrets or simply about your bad at work today. Don’t worry, the website is safe to use where everything its users wrote will be sent into the ‘void’ with that screaming effect, forever gone.
Link: https://screamintothevoid.com/

If you’re really interested in music, so much that your music taste goes beyond the local and even popular ones, then you might want to visit Radio Garden. This website lets you listen to any radio stations available all over the world by clicking certain ‘seeds’ in the globe that serve as the radio stations available to be listened to all over the world.
Link: https://radio.garden/

Blank Slate is a website that lets you take down notes whenever and wherever. The interface is literally a blank slate, where you can add different notes quickly. The blank slate appeal of the site is praised by some, as it does not include the typical parts of a website such as its header and other widgets.
Link: https://blankslate.io/

If you’re curious what will happen in the future, then this website is an interesting pick for you. Future Timeline compiles various ‘predictions’ that are based in current events, technology, sciences and other happenings that can likely predict the outcome of tomorrow. Topics like artificial intelligence, space travel, renewable energy as the main source of energy, are just some of the interesting topics that will likely happen to in the near future.
Link: https://www.futuretimeline.net/

If you feel guilty of scrolling mindlessly with your social media apps without being productive, then you might want to try the Free Rice website. In this website, users are given quizzes that include the English vocabulary, trivia and many more where each correct answer provides 10 grains of rice to be donated to the World Food Programme. Pretty neat way of wasting time, isn’t it?
Link: https://freerice.com/

Ever been curious what that foreign word you just heard from a song or movie means? Forvo will let you know the correct pronunciation, meaning and origin of a certain word whatever the language is.
Link: https://forvo.com/

Among this list, this is the only one that can be used as a tool as this website lets you do whatever you want with a certain PDF. Merge, split, compress, edit, or sign, this tool has it all when it comes to your PDF needs.
Link: https://tools.pdf24.org/

If you simply just want to take a break from all the noise brought by the Internet world, then Calm.com might help. The website is basically an online meditation service where you have certain options that you want to avail such as self-improvement, stress and anxiety management, focus, and many more.
Link: https://www.calm.com/

This website is great if you are thinking of reading as a new habit that you want to develop, instead of wasting time on social media. Archive.org lets you in with millions of books legally and for free. Other media include music, movies, and more.
Link: https://archive.org/
