This global pandemic isn’t picky and favors no one but it is especially dangerous to people who already have diseases or conditions that lower their immune system.
We worry for them and pray for them. And it seems like one of these prayers has come true because a 4-year-old boy with a rare disease has just won over CoVID-19.

Archie Wilks, who was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, has caught the novel coronavirus during one of his treatments.
He developed a fever at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge after his chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and was quickly moved to a coronavirus ward where he was diagnosed.

‘It was scary to be moved into the coronavirus ward as we had no real information about how a child in his position might cope with the virus.’
– Mr. Wilks
Mr. Wiks also praised the staff who made them feel at ease especially the parents. Archie was brought home last April 1 when he was well enough and was safer to be in isolation at home.
‘Archie’s definitely out the other side of the virus with no cough and no need for oxygen.’-Archie’s family
COVID-19 Cebu
As the threat of the Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 rises every day, the Cebu province has taken a proactive approach and is pulling all stops in protecting the island. Here’s everything you need to know about COVID-19 and its symptoms:
With this, an Executive Order was issued for the implementation of the drastic but necessary measures to avoid the spread of the virus. For more information, head on to:
If you are sick and think you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention, call the local Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice: 0922-397-2334 / 0943-568-3298 / (032) 402-3091 / (032) 402-1269.