Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, religious sectors were prompted to look for alternative means of worship to avoid public contact.
For the Catholic Church, live streaming of Eucharistic masses were implemented for everyone to celebrate and worship the Divine Liturgy.
Therefore, to make our participation in online Masses more meaningful, Fr. Drans Nolasco, SDB, prepared these recommendations for us to follow:
1. Prepare an Altar
To set the tone, prepare an altar with a candle that is lit. Make sure that you are of proper disposition before beginning. Always be reminded to take three mindful deep breaths and focus.

2. Dress Appropriately
Though you’re only attending your mass at home, make sure you dress up properly. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you can wear your PJ’s. Be in your best Sunday’s dress.
3. Remove Distractions
This includes turning your mobile phones off, or in silent mode. It could also be putting all your gadgets aside.

4. Pray the Act of Spiritual Communion
Because there is an absence of the physical communion, you are advised to pray the Act of Spiritual Communion by heart. Make sure your heart understands it more than your mind.
My Jesus,
I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament
I love You above all things
And I long for You in my soul
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart
As though You have already come
I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You,
Never permit me to be separated from You, Amen.

5. Pray the Oratio Imperata
If the Oratio Imperata is not part of the mass, you are encouraged to pray it after the holy mass. Pray for everyone’s safety.

6. Reflect
Reflect on how God is teaching us to love. With the global crisis we are facing today, may we all be reminded of how we have fallen short and reflect on our own actions.

Most of the time, we only realize the value of something only when we are deprived of it. With the suspension of the Holy Mass, may this also help us cultivate the yearning to actually receive Jesus in physical communion, soon. This, we could only pray for now.
COVID-19 Cebu
As the threat of the Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 rises every day, the Cebu province has taken a proactive approach and is pulling all stops in protecting the island. Here’s everything you need to know about COVID-19 and its symptoms:
With this, an Executive Order was issued for the implementation of the drastic but necessary measures to avoid the spread of the virus. For more information, head on to:
If you are sick and think you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention, call the local Coronavirus Health Information Line for advice: 0922-397-2334 / 0943-568-3298 / (032) 402-3091 / (032) 402-1269.
[…] To make your participation more meaningful, here are some guidelines when attending online Eucharistic celebrations at home: […]