A Change In The System: Why More Students Nowadays Receive Medals In Graduations?

It’s graduation season, and there’s a noticeable shift in the air: more and more students are walking away with honors and medals, sparking surprise and curiosity among many.

Photo from Canva

One concerned netizen took to social media, pointing out that in many classes, nearly two-thirds of the students are now receiving medals for the honor roll. This is a huge contrast to previous years when only the top 10 students were awarded such recognitions. The post quickly garnered attention, with many agreeing on the observation. While it’s commendable that more students are being recognized, it raises an important question: Has the education system in the Philippines changed, and have the standards been lowered since?

Quantity vs. Quality?

In the past, students had to work exceptionally hard to make it to the honor roll and earn one of the coveted medals. Recognition was reserved for those who not only excelled academically but also showed impressive skills in specific areas, such as sports or leadership. However, today’s awarding system seems to open a wider door, potentially allowing an entire class to receive medals on graduation day.

Photo from Canva

Why the shift? Many schools are now acknowledging the consistent efforts of students by setting specific grade thresholds for awards. For instance:

  • Students with a final average of 90 to 94 are awarded “With Honors.”
  • Those with a final average of 95 to 97 receive “With High Honors.”
  • Students achieving a final average of 98 to 100 are recognized “With Highest Honors.”

While this tier-based system still ranks students, it allows more of them to be honored, not just the top 10. This raises the question: Does this wider recognition lower the quality and value of being on the honor roll, or is it a beneficial change for the new generation?

A Student-Centered Educational Curriculum

Some netizens see the new system as a sign of progress in student education. They argue that recognizing more students for their efforts to maintain high grades contributes to better mental health among students. The idea is that celebrating these achievements fosters a positive and supportive learning environment.

Take my niece, for example. She is part of a class where every student graduated with a medal for maintaining an average grade above 90. This accomplishment is undoubtedly worth celebrating, as achieving and sustaining such grades is no easy feat.

Photo from Canva


As the debate continues, it’s clear that the new system of awarding more students has both supporters and critics. While some worry about the potential lowering of academic excellence, others believe it’s a progressive move that acknowledges the hard work and dedication of more students. Ultimately, whether this change is viewed as positive or negative may depend on one’s perspective on education and recognition.

What do you think, Sugboanons?

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Lenie Lañojan
Lenie Lañojan

"Everyone deserves a chance to fly" - WICKED
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  1. This era, most college graduates can not even speak proper english..not even a carabao english as some people say…educational system iscway way fown below standard…perdona mi..


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