Food for Olympians: Paris Is Serving 13M Meals for Two 15-Day Game Periods

More than 40,000 meals served in a single day and beyond 550 recipes curated by world-renowned chefs!

Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram

In a city renowned for its culinary masterpieces, where even the simplest baguette can make your taste buds berserk, it’s no surprise that Paris will showcase its rich food heritage to every Olympic participant.

Screengrab from viral Olympian, Henrik Christiansen, “Muffin Man” who made the Olympic muffin a hit

A Massive Meal Count Equivalent to 10 World Cup Tournaments

Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram

According to the Paris Olympics 2024 website, the food committee has gone above and beyond to cater to the diverse needs of athletes. They consulted with over 120 organizations and engaged with approximately 200 athletes to ensure that the carefully curated meal plans meet a wide range of nutritional requirements. This thorough approach guarantees that every participant will have access to meals that support their performance and well-being throughout the games.

Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram
Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram
Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram
Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram

The Six Food Commitments of Paris Olympics 2024

Screengrab from the Official Paris Olympics Website |

The Paris Olympics food committee disclosed that they aim to promote a healthier and more sustainable diet with their SIX food commitments:

  1. Doubling Plant-Based Options for a Greener Future: Paris aims to double the amount of plant-based food served, thereby cutting CO2 emissions in half. TChampioning Certified and Local Produce: The committee is setting the bar high with a goal of 100% certified food which are 80% sourced from French suppliers, 25% from within 250 kilometers of the venues, and 30% from organic farms.
  2. Reducing Single-Use Plastics: To lessen plastic pollution, the Olympics will halve the amount of single-use plastics used during the consumption phase.
  3. Minimizing Food Waste: Committed to limiting food waste and recycling 100% of uneaten food, Paris shared their initiative to ensure that surplus food is redirected in ways that benefit communities and the environment.
  4. Recycling Used Equipment and Infrastructure: They will be repurposing materials and facilities to reduce waste and promote a circular economy.
  5. Promoting Professional Integration: A minimum of 10% of the catering staff across all sites will come from professional integration programs to provide valuable opportunities for individuals to gain skills and experience.
Photo from the official Paris Olympics 2024 Instagram

Paris 2024’s dedication to these six principles shows its willingness to take on the role as a global leader in responsible event management, setting a new standard for future Olympic Games.

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Lenie Lañojan
Lenie Lañojan

"Everyone deserves a chance to fly" - WICKED
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