‘RUG, bro?‘

The conyo kids are all around the internet nowadays and are using terms we cannot understand. Hence, we are here to explain some conyo terms used by the rich kids in their conversations.

What Is Conyo?
The usage of the term conyo can be traced back in the colonial 19th century in the Philippines. The term was given to the Filipinos who belonged to the upper society. However, its first usage can be heard around the Spanish regime in the country. The word was used to describe Spanish expatriates who seemed to enjoy using the term as a swear word.
Currently, the term conyo is used to describe Filipino kids who were raised in a well-off family that are predominant English speakers. These people mostly talk Taglish; a relatively newly invented language by these kids which combines Tagalog and English in their sentences.
The Conyo Kids

Most Filipino kids who are around BGC in our current generation are mostly children who came from families in the upper ring of the society. Most of them can be observed to be using a mixture of Tagalog and English terms in their conversations, thereby gaining the nickname the conyo kids.
Crazy Conyo Terms by the BGC Coded Kids
There are already a lot of conyo terms in the Filipino lexicon. However, overtime, these words have already evolved into something that is really hard to understand especially if you are not up to the current internet updates.
These days, the BGC kids are coming up with a lot of crazy words. Below are terms these kids are using in their personal and group conversations!

This conyo term is the short term for the expression ‘Are You G?’. This is used when a person wants to ask someone if they are down for a celebration or something similar. The term is derived from the word carpet which is synonymous with the word RUG. Moreover, RUG is spelled as R-U-G which sounds like the expression ‘Are You G’.
“Uy broski, we have inuman later tonight. Ano, carps?”

A conyo word that is used to shorten the term ‘I Am G’. The term ‘I Am G’ is commonly used by people when they agree to an invitation by a friend. The term PICS is derived from the word pictures. Picture is abbreviated as IMG when being downloaded or uploaded in a computer, and the acronym IMG can be pronounced as I-M-G which is synonymous to the sound of the common expression ‘I Am G’.
“Uy broski, we have inuman later tonight. Ano, carps?”
“Pics pare, since I don’t have anything naman to do tonight!”

This term is used when a person wants to refuse something that is offered. Initially, the first conyo term for the refusal was Deins. However, as time went by the term evolved into something more incomprehensible! The term Scoobs was based on the initial term deins. Since Scooby-Doo’s dog breed is a Great Dane which is synonymous to the sound of the initial conyo term. Thereby, gaining the term SCOOBS.
“Uy broski, we have inuman later tonight. Ano, carps?”
“Scoobs pare, I have a date with my jowa later tonight kase.”

A conyo term used by the BGC kids to tell you to get well soon! Frog is translated as palaka in Filipino. Hence, by adding ‘s’ to the word frog it has become an imperative to add ‘s’ to the palaka word too. Gaining us the term palakas which can be used as palakas ka; which can be translated in English as get well soon!
“Broski I can’t sama to the planned staycation in Paris. I’m sick kase.”
“Uy sayang broski, frogs ka diyan, para you can make sama na next time.”

This term is used by the BGC conyo kids to express thanks. The word GUMPS is based on the movie Forrest Gump. Since the main character was played by veteran actor Tom Hanks, and his name can be abbreviated as T.Hanks which can be spelled as ‘Thanks’.
“Pare, I have panda dunks here and I want to make bigay this to you.”
“Uy, gumps pare! I’ve been looking for panda dunks for a long na rin kase.”
— Conyo terms is one of the proofs that Filipino wittiness is truly limitless and unparalleled. However, it is important to remember that we must not forget our mother tongue lest we forget about our Filipino roots. How about you though, how do you feel about these terms, do you think this will change the Filipino lexicon in its entirety? Or perhaps just improve the range of Filipino vocabulary?