In 2024, we will officially welcome the year of the Dragon. And, of course, just like tradition, we would want to know which zodiac signs are the luckiest during the new year.
The dragon sign is related to strength, good fortune, and success, making 2024 a good year for many things.

Here are the five lucky Chinese Zodiac Signs in 2024.
The pig is considered one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Zodiac in 2024. People born under the year of the pig will have a lot of opportunities and luck waiting for them in the year of the dragon. Those born in the year of the pig are known to be hard-working, and in 2024, their hard work will pay off.

The Monkey is compatible with the dragon. It is good to stay close to those who are born in the year of the dragon to drive creativity and career advancements.

A fortunate and prosperous year awaits those born in the year of the Goat. They will find it easy to manage a task and get through hardships. Moreover, they will also get to meet honorable people.

2024 will be such a good year for the tiger. It is a prosperous year where people born in the year of the tiger will receive and make a lot of money. The potential to succeed, especially men, is high in 2024. Moreover, if you are born in the year of the tiger and plan on establishing a business, 2024 is THE year to do so.

Resourceful rats will experience progress and development in their career, personal lives, and financial situations. During the upcoming 2024, rats should always follow their instincts to reach their goals.