The lenten season is here and along with it our favorite annual craving, Binignit.
It’s a famous lenten food that is a tradition in the Visayas region and to everyone who haven’t made their own yet. We have here a home recipe of that delicious goodness that you can share with the whole family.

- 1/8 kg sticky rice/ glutinous rice flour (alternative)
- 1/4 Landang (palm flour jelly balls)
- 4pcs Banana (cardaba)
- 2pcs Camote
- 3pcs Coconut
- 1/4kg Sago (any color)
- 1/8kg Nangka
- 1/4 Gabi/Ube
- 1/2 kg Brown sugar
- 6 cups water

- Prepare and Slice ingredients
- Soak Landang in water
- Meanwhile, boil about 6 cups of water or more, depending on your estimation.
- Add soaked landang to boiling water
- After 5 mins, Add the sticky rice
- Wait for another 5 mins and add the chopped Camote, Gabi/Ube and washed sago
- Make 2 preparations of coconut milk.
- Set aside the 1st one and add the 2nd coconut milk once the Camote is cooked.
- Then add the banana and nangka to the mixture
- Let it stay.
- Mix 1/4 brown sugar to the 1st half of coconut milk. Stir to dissolve sugar.
- Check if everything is cooked.
- Add the coconut milk and sugar mixture.
- Taste it and add sugar if its not sweet enough for you.
- Wait until it boils and it’s ready to serve.