We’ve heard of people choosing to finally move on, but how about those who chose to stay broken? What’s their story?

To truly heal is to be happy.
To truly heal is to let go of the pain that’s been holding us back.
But— what if we fail to continue being happy? What if we don’t like the ‘healed’ version of ourselves? What then? Well…
Here’s to the hearts who stayed broken. To those who chose not to heal because they are afraid to get disappointed again. Here’s to those who feel stronger when they let themselves feel the pain and to those who choose to keep an open scar.

To those who built their walls, to those who closed their doors, to those who are unwelcoming of changes in their lives. Here’s to those who are afraid to leave their box of comfort. Do not feel compelled when people tell you to “suck it up and move on.”
You have the choice to heal or stay broken; if you choose the latter, that’s okay. Because sometimes, the best form of healing is to stay broken and feel the pain until it hurts no more.
People say not to be fueled with anger and hate. But we all have something that allows us to keep going. Just like how cars have different fuels, we all have different ways to cope.

So here’s to the broken hearts who stayed broken. To the people who are not quite ready to leave the past behind. To the people who are still scared. To the people who choose not to move on.