Thrive in a Dynamic Work Environment with Logix BPO

Growth is something many employees and companies sought after. Flourishing and succeeding is an integral part of life which is why there are companies that provide upskilling services for those who need it, and these companies are usually BPO companies. Not only do BPO companies provide services to clients but they also provide livelihood for many, especially in the Philippines. 

However, it is hard to find a BPO company that takes care of both its employees and clients. But, what if we tell you that there’s one in Cebu  that, for one, provides quality services, and two, not a hire and fire BPO? Are you keen to know more about it? Let us introduce to you Logix BPO.

Say Hello to Logix BPO

What is Logix BPO?

Logix BPO is a business process outsourcing and recruitment process outsourcing company. They provide clients across multiple industry sectors with highly skilled agents to cater to their every need. The company offers finance, recruitment, HR, real estate, digital marketing, customer support, outbound sales, bookkeeping, and more. 

Clients are assured that they are well-taken care of because Logix BPO provides full operation infrastructure and support. At the moment, Logix BPO has three branches worldwide: Queensland, Australia; IT Park, Cebu City, Philippines; and Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom.

Why Choose Logix BPO? 

One word— transparency. Logix BPO makes sure that they are transparent with the clients. From the invoice to the whole process, the company ensures everything is broken down for the client. 

The next best thing about Logix BPO is their well-trained and skilled workforces. The BPO and RPO company takes pride in proving clients with the most fantastic team that can help them grow their business.

Earn and Grow with Logix BPO

Good news for those looking to get hired! Logix BPO is looking for skilled people in Cebu who are more than happy to work on-site. Logix BPO has an array of career choices that are tailored-fit to your skills. 

According to Logix BPO CEO, Anthony Godley, they are not a “hire and fire” BPO. All workers are treated with respect and their opinions are highly valued. Anthony shared that they have strong cultural values that they enforce in the workplace. Moreover, the company’s teams are encouraged to send an anonymous feedback form where they can air out their suggestions. 

Of course, Logix BPO also pays above market rates. Everyone in the company treat each other as family. 

Interested in applying? You can check-out their careers page here.

Logix BPO is not just a workplace, it is an avenue for workers and clients alike to grow and empower their careers and unlock opportunities for success. Be part of or work with Logix BPO today!



Exact location: 17f, KMC, Skyrise 4B, Cebu IT Park, Apas, Cebu City, 6000.

BY COMMUTE: From Colon, you can ride any jeep to IT Park (17B). 

BY CAR: Navigate with Waze or Google Maps and set your destination to “IT Park” in Cebu. Parking space is available.

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