With the easing of pandemic restrictions and people’s attempt to recover from the draining pandemic, new business owners are emerging. Opening a new business can be tough since there are too many things to do. This guide will make life easier with these step-by-step guides for BIR Tin Registration of Businesses.
Note, the referred guide depends on different types of businesses.

1. Before going to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), prepare the following requirements:
For Corporations/Partnerships
- BIR Form 1903 – Application for Registration for Corporations/ Partnerships (Taxable/Non-Taxable) version 2018
- Photocopy of SEC Certificate of Incorporation; or Photocopy Certificate of Recording (in case of a partnership); or Photocopy of License to Do Business in the Philippines (foreign corporation);
- Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Partnerships;
- Payment of P500.00 for the Registration Fee and P30.00 for loose DST or Proof of Payment of the Annual Registration Fee (not applicable to those exempt from the imposition of ARF);
- BIR Printed Receipts/Invoices or Final & clear sample of Principal Receipts/ Invoices; Book of Financial Statement or Account Verified by BIR with Stamp

- BIR Form No. 1901 version 2018;
- Any identification issued by an authorized government body (e.g., Birth Certificate, passport, driver’s license, Community Tax Certificate) that shows the name, address, and, birthdate of the applicant
- Payment of P500.00 for the Registration Fee and P30.00 for loose DST or Proof of Payment of Annual Registration Fee (if with existing TIN or applicable after TIN issuance)
- BIR Printed Receipts/Invoices or Final & clear sample of Principal Receipts/ Invoices; Book of Financial Statement or Account Verified by BIR with Stamp
2. Place requirements inside a long envelope and write the following on the front or back of the envelope: Company Name, Name of the Owner and Contact Number, and Authorized Filer’s Contact Number (if applicable).
3. Go to Nearest BIR.
4. Pay the following at the New Business Registrant Counter in the BIR Office.
- Annual Registration Fee (P500.00);
- Documentary Stamp Tax (P30.00) (if applicable)
- BIR Printed Receipt/Invoice (if opted to buy for use)
5. Drop requirements inside a drop box. BIR will contact you via phone call as soon as your requirements are verified. If all requirements have passed, they will set an official appointment for your official registration.
6. You will be asked to go back to BIR on the day of your appointment, they will escort you to a place where you will fill up another set of forms.
7. An office assistant will guide you to the counter to pay for the forms. They will ask you to come back tomorrow, it is just a one-day process.
8. As soon as your business is already registered in BIR, you will receive the following:
- Certificate of Registration (Form 2303)
- Authority to Print Receipts & Invoices
- “Ask for Receipt” Notice
9. To complete the process, you will be attending a free seminar on tax compliance as a business owner.

1. Prepare all the required documents, and scan them into a PDF file. All files shall not exceed 4MB in total file size.
2. Go to https://www.bir.gov.ph/newbizreg/ for online BIR registration.
3. Determine filing and payment obligations by downloading and answering the tax-type questionnaire via the link above.
4. Scan the accomplished tax-type questionnaire and include it as an attachment to your email application.
5. Pay the P500.00 Registration Fee and P30.00 loose Documentary Stamp Tax (DST). You can pay it via the payment channels of BIR.
6. Taxpayer-applicant without existing TIN shall wait for an email instruction on when to pay or may pay the P500.00 Registration Fee and P30.00 loose DST at the New Business Registrant Counter at the Revenue District Office (RDO) upon pick-up of Certificate of Registration.
7. Fill up the necessary fields in step 4 of the website then enter the correct information. Click email your application which will launch an email program. This is where you will send the email and attach the required documents.
8. You will receive an email acknowledgment of the receipt of your application from the official email address of the concerned Revenue District Office. Your application shall be processed manually within three (3) working days from the date of email acknowledging receipt of complete documentary requirements.
9. Receive an email for the scheduled pick-up of the Certificate of Registration and buying of BIR Printed Receipts/Invoices or Authority to Print, if applicable.

For those already registered in BIR, upon closure of business, you are required to renounce your TIN Number and submit all receipts issued by BIR. Failure to renounce will be subject to a penalty, and you are required to pay accordingly.
The surge of the pandemic drained a lot of people financially. This is why many people are starting to open their own businesses to recover since we Filipinos are known for our resiliency. May we continue to be resilient in these challenging times.