Why it’s okay to click that Unfriend/Unfollow Button

Admit it, there are a lot of things and a lot of situations you personally don’t want to see on social media.

It is different with every person, depending on what you can tolerate and what you want to consume on your social media platforms.

The answer to your dilemma? That “unfollow” button.

Photo from reachupward.blogspot.com

Unfollow does not equal to Bad person

Yes, find that button and click it and never return. Gone are the days that you need to tolerate things that you really don’t want to.

Unfollowing someone does not mean that you are a bad person or that you are a toxic person. It just means that you value your peace mentally and emotionally.

With everyone being cooped up in their homes and socializing just online, you see a lot and read a lot. You scroll and scroll and then be slapped with these beliefs and opinions that are very different from yours or information especially from shady sources that you really don’t want to know or just pictures that disturbs you or annoys you constantly.

You don’t agree with them, unfollow.

You don’t like them, unfollow.

You don’t want to see them, unfollow.

Photo from howtogeek.com
Photo from howtogeek.com

Social Media isn’t everything

Social media or any communication not done in person have a lot of loop holes and things can be easily misinterpreted. Communications are not even fully understood in person, how much more online.

It is better to avoid them for your peace of mind and theirs. Friendships and relationships are much more important to just be destroyed.

It also brings peace to the energies of the world. If you see them then you brew this negative energy and start disliking them and sometimes even hating on them just because of what they share on social media.

And then you just carry that negative energy into the world and your personal life. It’s like a very unhealthy way of living or existing where you will never win.

Photo from unsplash.com
Photo from unsplash.com

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Marel Baluyos
Marel Baluyoshttp://www.sugbo.ph
"Cebu is my always."

Chemical Engineer / Associate Editor | Bantayan Island, Cebu

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