Don’t we love the night sky? It’s a marvelous sight to behold. It reminds us of how small and insignificant our problems are in the grand scheme of things. And its times like these that occurs every once in a while, that continues to mystify us.
A few days ago, we had experienced a spectacle! A conjunction, in astrology, is used when in the event of two or more planets come closer to each other or when the line-up, occurs.
From November 10, 2021, we saw the moon passed by Saturn when the two were close with each other at around 8:00 PM.

Then of November 11, the moon and Jupiter came within four degrees of each other, that gave the pair quite the display for everyone down here to admire.
Amateur astronomographists took the action during the event, and snapped one of the coolest looking shots that has graced the internet so far this month!
You should share your photos of the conjunction with us! We’d like to see and hear from your experiences during the phenomenon.