The hospitals accommodating Covid-19 patients are now in a “safe zone” as the admission cases dropped.
The Cebu City Emergency Operations Center (EOC), centralized location of emergency response and recovery support operations during incidents said that at least four major hospitals and all public hospitals are no longer overwhelmed with patients.
The safe zone mostly refers to the COVID critical care occupancy according to Councilor Joel Garganera, the deputy chief implementor of the EOC.
“All public hospitals are now in the safe zone. They have their step-down facilities like CCMC (Cebu City Medical Center) to CCQC (Cebu City Quarantine Center), St. Anthony Mother and Child Hospital to City Central BIC, and St. Vincent Hospital,” – Councilor Joel Garganera

The Cebu City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) revealed that compared to nearly 80 percent in August 2021, hospital occupancy declined in September to:
- Public hospitals 47.6 percent for and
- Private hospitals, 51.6 percent
Garganera also noted that the positivity rate is now below 10 percent very close to the ideal positivity rate according to WHO (World Health Organization) which is five percent
The EOC, has also observed that hospitals have improved triage procedures. “Triage procedures” is the sorting out and classification of patients or casualties to determine priority of need and proper place of treatment. Through this, referring patients to care centers and isolation facilities was made swiftly.
This “safe zone” wouldn’t be achieved without all the city’s front-liners and law enforcers hardwork and to every Cebuano simply following the minimum health protocols.
Admissions and positivity rate are declining but the death toll is still increasing. And though it is much lower compared to August 2021 in its 200s we should never be too complacent in our safety and health so please get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Below is a list of hospitals in Cebu City and their contact numbers:
- Vicente Sotto ED: 0949-886-5964
- Vicente Sotto Labor Room: 0949-886-5956
- Cebu City Medical Center IM & Trauma: 254-1058/ 0943-340-2070
- Cebu City Medical Center Pedia & Labor Room: 516-3934
- St. Anthony Mother & Child Hospital: 261-9989/418-9477 loc. 1191
- Chong Hua Hospital Fuente:
- Direct line: 253-9515
- Trunk line: 255-8000 local 75189 (NON COVID) & 78005 (COVID SUSPECTED)
- Cebu Doctors University Hospital:
- Direct line: 255-0909
- Trunk line: 255-5555 local 118, 119 or 120
- 253-7511 until 34
- ARI+D line: 253-7516 – 7518, 254-6017, 0931-059-8617, 0956-788-5071, 0961-525-5194
- Visayas Community Medical Center
- Trunk line: 253-1901 advise operator to connect you to ER.
- Adventist Hospital/Miller Hospital
- Trunk line: 261-2100 local 142
- Southwestern/Sacred Heart Hospital
- Direct Line: 09232803924
- Trunk line: 418 8409 operator to connect to ER
- Perpetual Succor Hospital
- Direct line: 232-2461
- Trunk line: 233-8620 local 118 or 119
- St. Vincent General Hospital
- Trunk line: 238-0000, 238-6870 local 103 & 105
- Velez General Hospital
- trunk line: 253-1871-79 local 701
- Cebu North General Hospital
- Direct Line: 343-7243
- Trunk Line: 343-7777