See the line where the sky meets the sea? —it calls you. But you’re not Moana. You’re just a humble human being seeking for the comfort of beach while imagining the salt tickling your nose. Listen to the inner voice calling from the peaceful neighborhood in Maribagu, Lapu-Lapu City. A rustic-themed Buyong Beach House is waiting for your tired soul to retreat in this heavenly private beach house.

How’s your Mental Well-Being?
Psychologist refer it as “blue space”. The expansive view of the sea water in front of the beach house will calm your mind. Stress from work and toxic relationships seems to melt away as you stare at the inviting water just beyond the wicker loungers you choose to peacefully lay down. The beach house offers an open space to take in the scenic view of the ocean from the morning you wake up to the setting of the sun. The sea is all yours to see.

Get Some Fresh Air
The blinding fluorescent light in your office on a daily basis must be stressful for you. Not to mention the load of paper works with deadlines waving just around the corner, your life must be in chaos. Get some fresh air once in a while. Change your environment from the four walls of your office, to a meticulously designed beach house where you can take a break from breathing dusty piles of paper. You need a cool breeze and salty-sweet smell of the sea for a holiday, you hard working monster.

Benefits of Rest and Renewal
You might be well-aware by now how staying beside the beach can relax one’s mind. And yet, have you ever wondered how this works on your system scientifically? Researchers have found that the sound of waves alters brain patterns, which lulls you into a deeply relaxed state and rejuvenates body and mind. ( Go ahead. Get the rest you deserve. There are sofas placed by the sea for you to lay back to either own some tan lines or simply witness the sunset in peace. A true sense of relaxation will renew your sense of purpose as well as de-clutter your mind.

Swimming Pool for the Night
Amidst the soothing effect of the surrounding sea water, if you’re an anxious and imaginative human being, perhaps sea in your own perception is full of unknown creatures lurking at the bottom of the sea. In short, you love relaxing by the sea but not in the sea. No worries, Buyong Beach House understands the demand of your soul. A swimming pool is waiting to fulfill the thirst of your soul—not salty, just right. Unsolicited advice: go for a dip during the night. Swimming at night burns off your left-over energy and releases feel-good endorphins that reduce stress, and provide a calming effect that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Escape the hustle sometimes. Taking a holiday in Buyong Beach House will definitely boost your happiness, decrease burnout—oh yes, this is always the issue especially when work-from-home was implemented, improve your mental health, and promotes a greater well-being not just to your existing relationship with either your partner or family, but as well as yourself.
- *Day Use 12 hours (only available on weekdays)
- ₱ 15,000
- Cottage: None
- House rent:
- Overnight (Check In 3:00p.m. & Check Out 11:00a.m.)
- ₱ 25,000
- ₱ 18,500 (Weekday Rate)
*Max capacity for overnight stays is 12 adults. For day use, it’s 18 adults.
Children under 6 aren’t included in the head count.
- Contact numbers: 0917 819 9580
- Email address: [email protected]
- Facebook Page:
Exact location: Buyong Rd, Maribago 6015 Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines — approx. 30 minutes away from Mactan-Cebu International Airport.
BY BUS/VAN/JEEP (COMMUTERS): Find or ride a habal-habal/tricycle and tell the driver you are heading to Buyong Beach House located at Buyong Road Maribago.
BY CAR: Navigate with Waze or Google Maps and set your destination to “Buyong Beach House, Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu”
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