With the crisis that we are experiencing, it is without a doubt a need to find a way to live. From selling garments and baked goodies online to the recent home-baked hugot cakes, we have to pay much respect to these budding entrepreneurs.
One perfect example of a person truly worth of our admiration is Miss Sinulog 2020, Monika Afable.

Monika is from Borongan City, Easter Samar. Amid being a beauty queen, she truly is more than just a pretty face, she is someone who would find ways to survive. A brilliant woman indeed.

Together with her friend Sisa Balan, these beautiful women sell “pilipit” or “siakoy” in their barangay. Not minding what other people would think, they are indeed doing the right thing as they have been gaining praises.

Pilipit or Siakoy is a twisted doughnut. Twisted doughnuts are yeast donuts or sticks of pastry made from braided wheat or glutinous rice flour, deep-fried in oil.