Pride month: More than just a fight against discrimination

In a world that’s strongly fighting for freedom, equality and acceptance, the pride month have never been more powerful.

June is the month dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ communities all around the globe. But with what the world is facing now is more than just pride — it’s a constant battle against any kind of discrimination.

The pride month has always been celebrated loudly and joyously with lots of parades and marches but with the pandemic, it will be different this year. Though not in the streets, the events will still be actively participated through Zoom, TikTok and other social media platforms, keeping people connected and celebrating.

June was chosen as the pride month as it was the month when the Stonewall riots happened. These protests have changed gay rights for a lot of people in America and beyond.

“A lot of people were very repressed, they were conflicted internally, and didn’t know how to come out and be proud. That’s how the movement was most useful, because they thought, ‘Maybe I should be proud.”

– L. Craig Schoonmaker

Pride has always been about unity, love and friendship. To raise awareness and to celebrate on how far gay rights have come. It serves as a reminder of how damaging homophobia was and still can be and therefore must be stop.

From the word itself Pride, being proud of who you are no matter who you love.

“Love wins.”

Global Pride Day is June 27.

#BlackLivesMatter, #JunkTerrorBill

More than just equality, pride month also speaks for freedom and justice. Even until now, our world still continues to fight for what is right and just. Here’s what you should know about the #BlackLivesMatter and #JunkTerrorBill movements.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international human rights movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. BLM regularly holds protests speaking out against police killings of black people, and broader issues such as racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system.

In the Philippines, the House of Representatives approved the final reading House Bill (HB) No. 6875 or the proposed Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. In an article from Rappler, under this bill — “individuals who propose, incite, conspire, and participate in the planning, training, and facilitation of a terrorist attack could face a sentence equivalent to life imprisonment without parole.”

The same punishment goes for persons who provide support to terrorists and recruit others to be a member of a terrorist organization. Persons found guilty of the following acts will be punished with 12 years of imprisonment:

  • Threatening to commit terrorism
  • Inciting others to commit terroristic acts
  • Voluntarily and knowingly joining any terrorist group or association
  • Being an accessory in the commission of terrorism

Under the anti-terror bill, a suspect can be detained without a warrant of arrest for 14 days, extendable by 10 more days. They can also be placed under surveillance for 60 days, extendable by up to 30 more days, by the police or the military.

Many Filipinos have slammed the anti-terrorism bill’s “draconian” provisions.

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Marel Baluyos
Marel Baluyos
"Cebu is my always."

Chemical Engineer / Associate Editor | Bantayan Island, Cebu

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