Worrying about your expired licenses? Fret not! Your fear of visiting the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC) office should be thrown out the window because you can now do so, online.
The better news is, renewal of Professional Identification Cards (PIC) without full CPD Compliance is now accepted until December 2021.

More than just renewing your expired licenses, there are more options you can do on the website. Want to know what you can do and how you’ll do them? Read on.
1. Visit https://online.prc.gov.ph/
2. Login to your account. If you don’t have any, register for one. To register, you need to have:
- an active email address
- mobile number
- personal information; employment and education
- 2×2 photo (in JPG format with white background and applicant wearing a formal collared topml.
- Valid ID
3. Once logged in, you can choose among these options:
- Exam Application
- Online application of various licensure examinations with requirements to be submitted upon processing/issuance of Notice of Admission.
- Exam Application (SPLBE)
- Online application of various licensure examinations with requirements to be submitted upon processing/issuance of Notice of Admission. (For SPLBE applicants)
- Initial Registration
- Online Registration of new passers/successful examinees for the issuance of their licenses.
- Initial Registration (SPLBE)
- Online Registration of new passers/successful examinees for the issuance of their licenses. (For SPLBE passers)
- Renewal of License
- Online renewal of Professional Identification Cards of Registered Professionals.
- Verification
- Online verification of rating of successful examinees and verification of license of registered professional.
Professions allowed to renew online
- Aeronautical Engineer
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer
- Agriculturist
- Architect
- Certified Mine Foreman
- Certified Plant Mechanic
- Certified Public Accountant
- Certified Quarry Foreman
- Chemical Engineer
- Chemical Technician
- Chemist
- Civil Engineer
- Criminologist
- Customs Broker
- Dental Hygienist
- Dental Technologist
- Dentist
- Electronics Engineer
- Electronics Technician
- Environmental Planner
- Fisheries Technologist
- Foreign Medical Professional
- Forester
- Geodetic Engineer
- Geologic Aide
- Geologist
- Guidance Counselor
- Interior Designer
- Landscape Architect
- Librarian
- Master Plumber
- Mechanical Engineer
- Medical Laboratory Technician
- Medical Technologist (MedTech)
- Metallurgical Engineer
- Metallurgical Plant Foreman
- Midwife and Midwife (RA 2382)
- Mining Engineer
- Naval Architect and Marine Engineer
- Nurse
- Nutritionist Dietitian
- Occupational Therapist and Occupational Therapist Technician
- Ocular Pharmacologist
- Optometrist
- Pharmacist
- Physical Therapist
- Physician (Medical Doctor)
- Professional Electrical Engineer
- Professional Electronics Engineer
- Professional Mechanical Engineer
- Professional Teacher
- Psychologist
- Psychometrician
- Radiologic Technologist
- Real Estate Appraiser
- Real Estate Broker
- Real Estate Consultant
- Registered Electrical Engineer
- Registered Master Electrician
- Respiratory Therapist
- Sanitary Engineer
- Social Worker
- Veterinarian
- X-Ray Technologist
Where to claim the ID?
After successfully renewing your license online, your new PRC ID card can be claimed from your chosen PRC branch or satellite office. There’s also an option where you can choose a time and date of pick-up.
Visual Step-by-step Manual
To proceed, visit https://online.prc.gov.ph.
NOTE: Renewal of PRC License without full CPD Compliance is only accepted until December 2021.
As we embrace the new normal, let us also learn to embrace the new ways to do the things we’re used to, including license renewal.
Pasabaydocs.com can help po
This my third time renewing my PRC ID, I am teaching since I had passed. I don’t have any CPD units ever, is it okay to renew my PRC ID without any CPD units?
Email us and we will find the earliest slot for you in Luzon and Visayas. PRC ID holder representatives. Claim and and ship via LBC.
[email protected]
Visit our FB Group
Good day!
I want to renew my PRC ID now, I don’t have any CPD units get. Am I qualified to renew my license even I don’t have CPD units? Because I asked the security guard that CPD units is needed for renewing Prc ID
Good Day!
I would like to ask what if a license teacher does not teach and his/her license gets to expire 3 years from now, what will he/she do? Is she required to earn a CPD unit even though he/she is not teaching?
I hope you will answer my questions.
Thank you and have a good day.
Hello .I have a question can we authorize someone to pick up our prc id??
I can’t log in please help
Good evening. I just want to renew my PRC license as a Registered Salesperson. My PRC ID was already expired last May 22, 2016. Please advice…
Thank you and Godbless!
Marisa B. Dejino
Hello Good day!
I am currently working abroad, my Teacher’s license will expire this coming march 2020, if I have representative in the Philippines, I need to register online or not? I will send all the requirements through mail and email to Prc and my representative..Thank u..Hoping for a positive response in this matter…God bless us all
Hi, Can I still renew my prc nurse license even if I did promisory before to complete cpd units and still I have none and this will get expired next month?
when i was in the regional office here in mandaue, Cebu they still asking my CPD.
what if i can’t get appointment online..coz of no slot available,what should i do..thanks,
I this reply is a bit late. I had the same problem when I tried to renew my license online. I contacted PRC and they advised me to check every monday as they usually clear slots from those who already cancelled their appointment. I did what was advised and was able to successfully get an appointment. Hope this helps
I tried to get a slot for my renewal but always no slot can you help me get my slot here in Legaspi City or in Robinson Galleria in Naga City
is there a penalty for renewing expired licenses?
Good day! I already passed the exam but I cannot get my license because I forgot my email. What should I do? Thank You!
Delivery option only available in NCR.
good day how about change of status??? how can i appl for it??
Hello, is it applicable also in PRC Cebu?
Hello. Is it possible that the renewed prc id will be delivered through couriers like lbc, jnt, jrs etc.?
Misleading headline and content.
Hello. Since Siquijor has no PRC satellite, is it possible to send the prc card through jrs or lbc? Very willing to pay for the expense.
Waiting for a positive response.
Good afternoon.I have a question ,since we sre still on lockdown from work,can we authorize someone to pick up our prc id??