Cebuanos will soon witness the rise of the newest mall in town – the Gaisano Mall (G-Mall) of Cebu. This newest addition to the league of malls in the metro is situated in place of the old White Gold Club Inc. in North Reclamation Area, Cebu City.
Gaisano Mall of Cebu, earmarked at P1B, will become the first G-Mall brand in Visayas. In Mindanao, there have been various G-Mall brands already like the Gaisano Mall of Davao, Gaisano Mall of Tagum, and Gaisano Mall of GenSan to name a few.
The new mall has 5 stories and an expansive more or less 200k ground floor area. One of the mall’s highlights will be its cinemas. In terms of accessibility, it’s approximately 300m from Robinson’s Galleria and 400m from SM City Cebu.
Presently, massive construction is still ongoing while the city is under a quarantine status.

Whitegold Club, Inc. was a supermarket along A. Soriano Avenue, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, near SM City Cebu and right across the Queen City cemetery. This supermarket had provided Cebuanos affordable and quality products such as home furniture and fashionable clothing.
It ceased its operations end of June last 2018 “to undergo a two-year renovation which will transform the property into a four-level mall with basement parking.”
“We want to modernize it a little bit more. It’s been overdue. We will upgrade the looks and everything. What we’re looking at is there will be a mall area, an atrium. We are also looking at putting movie theaters and a food area. But the full design is still fluid as of now,”
Joseph Gaisano Jr., White Gold Club general manager
G-Mall Cebu is expected to be completed by fourth quarter of 2022 or early 2023.
Exact location: A. Soriano Street, N. Reclamation Area, 6000 Cebu City (replacing the old White Gold Club)
[…] Visayas’ first G-Mall to rise in Cebu City […]
Ah yes! Another mall. We sure are slaves with malls, our country runs with consumption. Philippines are one who mostly use single use plastics. We are materialistic. Food security? Nah, we can just import! Who create cars, smartphones, tablets? Foreigners! Forget science and technology, medical science, robotic, automation, and AIs, digitalization, advance research and development. Example: US: have Google, China: Huawei, South Korea: Samsung, Japan: Car manufacturers and any technological innovations, etc. Philippines: Super malls. My point is: why is our country in every city there’s malls? Malls always creating horde crowds! I observed it from my home before reaching the school destination, inbetween them, the mall blocks; to hospital the mall blocks, always creating bottle neck or tailing traffic. Both giant and mini-mall (yes they exist). Why malls are always the center of gravity? Why not some iconic towers, not a mall? Well, malls and condos are really successful business in our country and they keep replicating the system. Just imagine you’re eating the same food everyday, or eating to much sweet you start to feel nausea, yeah, that’s how you supposed to feel, and they don’t care, beside these few rich people monopolize the development in our country, same artist, same taste, nothing new to see here. We lack industrial cities, so many commercial cities with a mall at the center, always! Yeah! I hope malls get away from the heart of the city, and make a new type of city: the entertainment city where group with casinos, sport complex, luxury hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, athlete’s residential, etc. a super block away from primary roads and permanent living residents. People need access especially schools, hospital, police station, capitol, small independent local markets etc. without the super mall blocking the way. Yes, not just malls, but super malls! How I hope we have gaint company who are main are not the malls and condos: a super iconic building that is not a mall but other business. Our business development culture control by those people: Malls mostly eats the big part of one business district than being balance to others. No problem with malls, but too much and with unnecessary size? Malls are nothing to be proud of anymore… we need science and technology, human development, innovations, art and culture, new research and development, water, energy, internet infrastructures, not malls. Someday there will be the time we have malls every 2 kms.
as if we needed those when you’ve got their malls spread out the whole city.. I mean why would we ever need another Gaisano Store? Seriously?