Ever since the coronavirus entered the Philippines, infected a lot of people, and caused everyone to self-quarantine at home, our daily lives have changed.

Almost everyone working were forced to work at home, and it may have had either a positive impact or negative impact in their lives; nevertheless, our routines that we usually do in our workplaces are now obsolete and we now follow a new routine in our homes. Instead of the karenderia from the nearby store, you may be eating homecooked meals.
For students, the same changes apply, as the schools have also shifted to having online classes. Gone are the days when the students could laze around in the library or binge eating food from the canteen just to wait for their next class.
However, many students have been complaining about how online classes have drained their mental state, and indeed it can be frustrating since you are only facing a screen and not an actual human being teaching you. It could be that the teacher is giving way too many assignments or tasks, or that his task is too complicated for your environment.
Nevertheless, while it is also very important for teachers to listen to their students’ concerns, it is equally important to learn how to handle all the mental stress from online classes as taking in too much without having a healthy way to cope with it is very damaging to the student psyche. Thus, here are ways of coping up with the frustrations of online classes.
Schedule Time for Yourself
Online classes are a challenge, but it becomes an even bigger challenge when you can no longer be yourself. Schedule time for yourself, your alone time, so that you can still stay in touch with who you are and what you enjoy.

It would be better to have it at minimal intervals every day so that you can destress yourself every day. For example, you can set in your schedule to have your alone time for one hour every day. It is totally up to you.
Play Video Games
During your alone time, you can spend that time on playing video games that help you relax. Even if you are not someone who plays video games, you can try some relaxing games yourself. I’d advise on games like Stardew Valley as they don’t need too much mental stress for a farming game and it is available both on PC and mobile phones.

Although each and every one of us has their own style of games, so find the game that relaxes you most. Be sure to manage your time wisely and stick to the schedule.
Find Hobbies
Everyone has a hobby. Whether it be sewing, sketching, reading a nice book, a hobby defines who we are. You can enjoy your hobbies during your alone time as long as you manage your time well. If you prefer, you can also try searching for a new hobby and explore.
Stay Social
Humans are social beings so it is an essential part of our basic needs. Thus, even though we are in quarantine, remember to keep contact with your friends and barkada.

I would suggest that you play games together, such as Kahoot, Skribbl.io, or PlayingCards.io. There’s even a Secret Hitler game online and a Cards Against Humanity. Or you can simply talk to each other, whichever makes all of you enjoy.
Keep Healthy
No matter how many tasks you have, always prioritize your body, because if you don’t, then there’s nobody to work on your tasks. Remember to eat at the right time with the right amounts, gets plenty of sleep, and exercise often.

You can do a quick exercise routine at home or do a quick jog in the early morning. Keep your body and mind in its top performance and you will be happy with the results.