Wearing Red Undies & Other Superstitions Believed to Help You Pass Your Board Exams

When you believe in yourself, anything is possible. Just do what you do best, conduct a superstition. Silly or not, we wish you the best of luck on your exams!

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You’re at a point in life where you no longer rely on your mommy and daddy’s wallets and credit cards. That’s why you need to pass the board exams because it’s time for you to grow up. Now, let’s keep it real: what’s the worst that could happen if you fail? You can still keep your jobs, you’re still standing on your own two feet. But passing the board exams is BIG. Like REAL BIG! It opens doors to bigger opportunities—and, yes, better pay. That’s why you desperately need to pass!

We know, we’re laying it on too thick and making you a bit anxious. We just want to see if brutal motivation would get you moving. Did it work?

If not, here’s a softer nudge: Try, try, try until you succeed. If you’re already at 3 tries, maybe it’s time to add a strategy aside from studying. Do you ever believe in superstitions? Many Filipinos did several superstitious methods they made up in order to pass the exams, and guess what? It worked… somehow. If you like to give it a try, here we list below some exam superstitions board exam passers shared for future examinees. These would help you pass… possibly;


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In Filipino culture, red is often associated with luck and good fortune, which is why many examinees choose to wear new red underwear on exam day. The belief is that red attracts positive energy and wards off negative influences.

But does it really have to be an underwear? It’s the color red that brings good luck, that’s the belief. To fully embrace the ritual, go all out! Wear everything red; Shirt, pants, shoes, socks, hats, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hair, watches, lipstick, earrings, rings, and the boldest of all, paint your whole body red.


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This one is relatively new, and only a few people have heard of this. Chewing gum while studying and then chewing the same flavor while taking a test will help you remember what you studied. Not sure this is considered a superstition or a scientific fact, but studies show it works similarly to listening to music—both can enhance concentration and jog your memory. Just make sure to be consistent, using the same flavor or same song during both study sessions and exams for the best effect.


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Kicking the chair in front of you before leaving the exam room is seen as a sign of completion and a wish for success. This gesture is believed to symbolize the completion of the exam and moving forward, hoping for a positive outcome. Don’t overdo it, a simple nudge will do. Whoever is sitting in the front row, we suggest you find a different examination ritual.

Once you leave the room, never look back. There’s literally no turning back, just look forward. What you must only look forward to is your results.


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Can’t remember what you’re reading? Try this! Open your textbook and lay it over your head—let the knowledge flow down and soak right into your brain. Give it a moment to absorb and let the magic happen.

Still not working? No problem. Scoop a handful of air from between the pages and gently rub it over your head—just to make sure the essence sticks.

And if all else fails, here’s the last but not the least foolproof method; the best way to get a taste of knowledge is to consume it. Rip out the most important page and eat it (yes, really!). Put the knowledge inside of you—literally.


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Breaking the pencil used during an exam is believed to prevent the need for a retake. This superstition suggests that snapping the pencil symbolizes the exam’s completion and wards off future tests. No more chances, and that’s a good thing because you already passed.

Unfortunately, if the exam requires you to use a ballpen, you need strong, muscular hands to break that piece of iron rod into half. You have no choice. Either you break it, or break down.


Anxious about your board exam? Here’s an obvious idea; STUDY! If studying isn’t enough, study it hard! Like really, really HARD! That’s it.

Remember, while these rituals can offer comfort and reassurance, they are no substitute for thorough preparation and hard work. Your success ultimately rests on your knowledge, abilities, and determination.

Have a fun and seemingly strange board exam!

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