#FanTalk: Here Are Signs Of A Toxic Fandom

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Fandoms are communities of fans who support a particular person, group, show, book, or other forms of entertainment. While most fandoms are positive and supportive, some can be toxic.

Here are the common signs of a TOXIC FANDOM.


This happens when fans are mean or rude to others who like different things or have different opinions. They might send hurtful messages online or make fun of others in person.


Some fans believe that only certain people can be true fans. They might say that others aren’t real fans because they don’t know enough about the show, movie, or book, or because they like different parts of it.


These fans feel that creators should always do what they want. If the creator makes something they don’t like, they get very angry and might even send mean messages to them.


This is when fans follow or invade the private lives of creators, actors, or other fans. They might try to find out where they live, constantly send messages, or try to meet them in private places without being invited.

Can’t Take Criticisms

Some fans can’t handle hearing anything negative about their favorite show, movie, or book. They get very upset and might attack anyone who says something bad about it. These fans refuse to see any flaws in what they love. They believe it’s perfect and won’t listen to anyone who points out problems or suggests improvements.

Over Positive

This is when fans won’t allow negative talk about their fandom. They might shut down conversations or attack people who try to discuss any issues or problems.

Forgets Boundaries

Some fans don’t respect the personal space of limit set by other. They might send too many messages, try to meet or demand too much


These fans spread false information to control what people think. They might make up stories or twist the truth to make other fans look bad

Fighting with Other Fans

Toxic fans often create unnecessary fights with fans of other shows, movies, or books. They might say mean things, start arguments, or try to prove that their favorite thing is better.

Recognizing these signs can help your fandom be more welcoming to the other fans. And if you know a toxic fandom, maybe it’s time to call them out; comment their group names in the comments below!

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