Comfy and confident during prititit!

It’s finally the time of the year where we celebrate the Festival of the Child Jesus, our beloved Señor Santo Niño. The festival is held during the third Sunday of January. Lovely costumes, endless parties, and happy Cebuanos and tourists make the event more memorable. It is expected this year that there will be a myriad of activities for many people. However, do not forget these reminders during the event:

Yes To White Tops!
The weather is now predictable. Wear light-colored or loose fitting tops and pair it with your shorts. Sneakers, rubber shoes, or flat shoes should be worn. Wearing jeans and dark-colored clothes will make you sweat since it will make you sweat a lot and absorb heat.
White is also a color of religious symbolism, people often wear white tops as a symbol of purity and renewed devotion to the Señor Santo Niño as white is traditionally associated with these concepts in Catholic culture; it signifies a clean slate and commitment to the religious festival.

Note: Don’t wear anything that shows too much skin. This is still a religious festival.
No White Shoes
Always wear comfortable shoes as you will be walking around the city. Wearing high heels can lead to a sore foot ache since the activity involves a lot of walking. Avoid slippers since it will be easy for people to stomp on your feet. The Sinulog festival involves a lot of walking and dancing, breathable shirts and supportive footwear is key.

Yes, that’s right! Sunscreen because skin cancer doesn’t discriminate and you will be expected to walk in the day, experiencing humidity. Always apply your sunscreen every 1-2 hours everyday, if you are wearing makeup, you can powder your nose with a compact powder with SPF to avoid ruining your makeup.

The UV rays of the sun can make you age faster than before and you have to keep it protected as always from the heat.
Waterproof It!
Look for makeup products that will last for a whole day and keep you fresh all day long. Stick with a tinted sunscreen and a swipe of waterproof mascara for the sake of dignity and a bold lip if you are feeling fancy. Take note that you will be under the sun for hours due to outdoor activity, please avoid wearing anything heavy. If you are oily, bring your own oil control sheet where you can pat the oily and sweaty parts of your face when freshening up.

Stay fresh for the whole day by keeping everything light and bring your own small makeup pouch for freshening up at the restroom.
Accessorize Mga Beshies!
Aside from wearing your Sinulog shirt, feel the festive energy by wearing vibrant accessories, just don’t over do it. There are many stalls outside that sell accessories that fit the vibe of the entire festival. Accessories like necklaces, earrings, and headdresses. Sinulog is never complete with accessories that fit the mood.

Note: Don’t wear any flashy jewelry to avoid getting pickpocketed.
Bring the Essentials!
The climate today is a lot different than now. It is hotter than the usual heat before. Rain or shine, it’s always important to bring the essentials. The essential things to bring can be an umbrella, hat, and a foldable chair in case you want to join the procession and mass. It’s always better to be prepared than find a cure to solve your problem.

Know Your Route and Plan Your Day
You want to meet your friends? Go meet up at a meeting place to avoid getting lost and make sure that you set your destination on Google Maps to know the exact location. Make sure that you and your friends go together in groups or do a buddy system. If you are a parent with a child, put an ID on them to avoid getting lost.

Leave unnecessary things at home including gadgets and bring only what you need: hand towels, small amounts of cash, phone, water, snacks, and an umbrella.