Smooth Sailing: Survival Guide for the Dagaton Adventurers

Sunblock? Check! Swimsuit? Check! Food and drinks? Check na check! But wait, unsaon nalang ang mga dagaton sa island-hopping?

Photo from Canva | POV: Imung view kay dagaton ka

Don’t worry about seasickness because we’ve got you covered! You can still enjoy island-hopping in Cebu if you come prepared.

Here are important details to keep your feet steady and your stomach ready for the best island adventure of your lifetime.

Understanding Seasickness

Photo from Canva

Seasickness occurs when your brain gets conflicting signals from your inner ear, eyes, and body. The rocking motion of the boat can make your body feel off-balance, leading to nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Don’t let this stop you from experiencing the beauty of the sea! With the right preparation and mindset, you can keep seasickness at bay.

Busting Seasickness Myths

Photo from Canva

Now that you understand how seasickness happens, it’s time to bust the myths. Let’s combat fake news about seasick-prone travelers one truth at a time.

  • “You just need to toughen up!” False! 

Seasickness is a physiological reaction, not a sign of weakness.

  •  “Only first-time travelers get seasick.” Not true! 

Even experienced sailors can get seasick in rough conditions.

  • “Closing your eyes will help.” This can actually make it worse! 

Keeping your eyes on the horizon is a better strategy.

Preventing Seasickness

Photo from Canva | Galawan nimo kay dagaton ka

Keep your feet steady because you’re about to learn the best tips to avoid seasickness!

Shoutout sa mga dagaton diyan, here are six tips to prevent getting seasick:

1. Eat Light and Plain Foods

Before heading out, avoid heavy, greasy, or spicy foods, as they can worsen nausea. Opt for light meals like grilled fish, rice, or bananas.

If you start feeling unwell, nibble on dry crackers or plain bread to help settle your stomach.

2. Focus on the Horizon

Staring at a stable point like the horizon helps your brain adjust to the boat’s movement, reducing the chances of feeling dizzy. 

Avoid reading or staring at your phone for long periods, as this can worsen the symptoms.

3. Get Fresh Air

One of the best perks of island-hopping is the fresh sea breeze

If you start feeling queasy, move to an open deck or window where you can breathe in fresh air. This simple trick works wonders for many travelers.

4. Choose the Right Spot on the Boat

If you have a choice, sit in the middle of the boat where the movement is less intense. Avoid staying at the front or back, as these areas tend to experience the most motion.

5. Try Ginger or Peppermint

Ginger is a well-known natural remedy for nausea. Bring ginger candies, drink ginger tea, or chew on ginger biscuits. Peppermint tea is also a great alternative as it helps relax the stomach muscles and ease discomfort.

6. Medication as a Last Resort

If you’re highly prone to seasickness, taking over-the-counter motion sickness medication like meclizine or dimenhydrinate before your trip can help. Consult your doctor if you’re unsure which one is best for you.

With these tips, seasickness won’t stop you from enjoying Cebu’s breathtaking island-hopping adventures.

Photo from Canva | Hopefully ikaw na ni after di na ka dagaton

Prepare ahead, take precautions, and most importantly, embrace the beauty of the sea. Smooth sailing, mga dagaton!

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