For When You’re Gone: Why Nominating A “Legacy Contact” Is Important

What will happen to your social media accounts when you pass on? Well, guess it’s time for you to nominate a legacy contact!

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Facebook has had the “Legacy Contact” feature since 2015, however only a few know about it; mainly because it’s a feature not that much advertised. But, it’s a very essential inclusion that anyone should use, and here’s why:

Share A Final Message On Your Behalf

Your legacy can post about the details of your funeral and invite your Facebook friends and family as part of a tribute post. In addition, if you have a last message that you have written, the legacy can also share it online especially if it’s dedicated to your friends, or perhaps your fanbase.

View All Posts, Tags, & Tributes

Regardless if it’s a public post or something you marked as “Only Me,” your legacy can view that as well as have the option remove tags and tributes.

Manage Your Profile

Changing the profile picture, banner, and other elements on your page is also allowed for your legacy. They can also request a deactivation or removal of your page. And if necessary, the legacy can also opt to download a copy of what you have shared on the platform.

The Legacy Limits

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Your legacy is just an extension of you; not you! So, there are limits on what they can do. A legacy can’t login to your account, read your messages, remove existing friends, and even make new ones. This helps ensure that there won’t be an issue of “Identity Theft” that will arise from appointing legacies on the app.

How to Add a Legacy

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Adding a legacy is simple, just follow these steps below:

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Select “General Settings”
  3. Click on “Memorialization Settings”
  4. Type the name of the friend that you’ll be appointing as your legacy.
  5. Once done, a notification will be sent to your legacy and they can choose whether to accept or decline the appointment.
Photo from Canva

When deciding on a “Legacy Contact,” make sure that THAT person will have your best interest in mind. Choose wisely and talk with your legacy on what things you’d like to be done after your passing, just incase the unimaginable circumstance happens.

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Lenie Lañojan
Lenie Lañojan

"Everyone deserves a chance to fly" - WICKED
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