The Debt of Gratitude: Should Children Give Back to Their Parents?

“Utang na loob? We didn’t ask to be born!” said one netizen.

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From the moment we’re born, our parents are our biggest supporters. They care for us, work hard, and love us unconditionally. As we grow up and start our lives, a common question arises: Should children give back to their parents?

Photo from Carlos Yulo’s Instagram

Why Giving Back Matters

Photo from Canva

Showing Appreciation

Our parents work hard to give us everything we need. They make sacrifices and offer support in countless ways. As we become adults, giving back is a way to say “thank you” for all their efforts. It’s a heartfelt way to show that we recognize and value everything they’ve done for us.

Making Strong Relationships

When we give back, it helps strengthen our relationship with our parents. Spending quality time with them, helping around the house, or offering emotional support can make a big difference. It shows that we care and appreciate them, bringing us closer together.

Returning the Love we Owe

Parents give us love and support throughout our lives. As we grow up, we have the chance to return that love. This could mean helping them with daily tasks, being there for them when they need us, or spending time with them. It’s a beautiful way to show that we value their love and care.

Supporting Them Till They Get OLD

As parents age, they might need more help. This is when giving back becomes especially important. Helping with household chores and medical appointments or simply being there for them can make their lives easier. It’s a way to repay them for their years of caring for us.

VERDICT: It Depends on the Situation

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It’s important to remember that giving back also depends on the situation. If our parents have always been supportive and loving, giving back is a natural and meaningful way to show our appreciation. But if they haven’t been there for us or have not shown us the love we need, we might need to think carefully about how and if we should give back.

Every family situation is different, and it is okay to make decisions based on what feels suitable for you and your parents.

Yes, we didn’t ask to be born; giving back to our parents is a way to show our gratitude for all they’ve done for us. It’s not just about fulfilling a duty; it’s about recognizing their sacrifices and expressing our thanks by supporting them, spending time with them, and helping them as they age. Every act of kindness and love we show our parents deepen our connection with them and honor their role in our lives. It’s a meaningful way to say “thank you” and ensure our family stays tight and caring throughout our lives.

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