Do you remember your first kiss? How did it feel?

The feeling after kissing someone for the first time could be a sense of awkwardness, happiness, a tingling sensation, and maybe fun. Looking back at it can bring smiles, blushes, a gentle laugh,a sigh, or a thoughtful pause as it represents a step into the labyrinth of human connection.
So why do we celebrate it on this specific day? Why do we even look back on it?
History of Remember Your First Kiss Day

The history of this chaotic day remains mysterious as the person who started this is unknown. Even if it’s an undefinable day, this day, April 26, has caught many people recalling their first kiss experiences. Thus, it became a tradition! Pretty strange, but also a fun way of remembering nostalgic memories.
Well, this day is not just about the act of kissing. It actually delves deeper into the emotions, memories, and connections associated with it.
Reflecting on our Growth Through Reminiscing Our First Kiss

This day is a form of encouragement for us to reflect on our growth. May it be related to romantic relationships, but mostly to the lessons we have learned from those early love experiences. Although some people are fortunate to still have the first person they kissed sticking around them, others completely separated themselves from their first kiss. Our different experiences are weirdly amazing because they indicate how things circulate differently in every individual. Some people think that their first kiss was funny, some people think that it was really romantic, it was awkward, and some people don’t think of anything at all.
The emotions that our first kiss memory taps are peculiar. However, we can’t deny the fact that it still holds a special place in our hearts no matter what emotion we felt at that time.
How Does A First Kiss Feel?
1. Awkward

You might feel nervous while doing it and the uncertainty on what to do next, leading the atmosphere to be awkward.
2. Embarrassing

Especially with the thought that you have no background experience in kissing or you fear for the other person’s reaction.
3. Delightful

A positive feeling as it kind of feels like a new achievement.
4. Confusing

You might end up feeling confused if you did right, or how you guys did it.
5. Satisfying

Successfully having your first kiss can bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, especially if it’s something you’ve been anticipating or working up the courage to do.
Celebrating the Beauty of Human Connection
The highlight of this day is the beauty of human connection that was shaped in that specific moment. The connection after kissing embodies a profound and intimate exchange of emotions, affection, and love. The small details of kissing are the factors that meld the beauty of this moment. The gentle touch of lips that’s similar to a butterfly landing on a flower, the warmth of breath that’s like the air we feel on empty fields, and the tender eyes sparkling like stars.

And so, today, let’s take a moment to reflect on our first kiss experiences. Let that nostalgia take over you just for today. Share your first kiss memory below!
If you haven’t had your first kiss yet, don’t worry! Your moment will come, and hopefully it will be a magical experience.
I remembered mine, it was AWKWARD haha