Do you believe in the saying that love is in the air? What if the love of your life is someone you met during a night out?

Invisible red string theory is an existing legend that originated in China. It is believed that a man and a woman who are meant for each other have an invisible red string tied on their finger, a symbolism that they will meet at the right time. It is also believed that it can get tangled and stretched, but will never break.

This theory got people wondering if they have met their soulmate, yet they have no idea about their fate. And guess what? Love can arrive anytime. The right time could be anytime and anywhere. Your soulmate could be anyone. Someone like you or the opposite of you. Just like this polar opposite couple who recently got married.
Invisible Red String On An Emo Karaoke Night

A couple from California named Vanessa and Jordan went viral as they had a Helena-inspired wedding. ‘Helena’ is a song by a well-known band called My Chemical Romance and was released way back in 2004. Vanessa openly shared about their vague love story as well as the details on how their wedding was planned.
Vanessa met Jordan through a friend. She is an emo, while Jordan is the opposite of her. When they met, she was jokingly saying that he is her type. Although she got anxious because she thought she might be too weird. Jordan, on the other hand, found her cute and asked for her number.The two started talking and things turned out great so they decided to date each other.

Little did they know, they will actually marry each other after dating for a couple of years.
“Helena” Inspired Wedding

Vanessa shared that Jordan has been sending hints that he’s ready to propose. A few weeks later, she went through a major surgery and Jordan proposed to her. She sat on the corner crying while looking at the ring on her finger. Thankfully, her surgery went successful!
When they were initially planning their wedding, she joked about making it something like MCR’ Helena music video, However, Jordan took it seriously and agreed to her plans. They booked the church on the music video as their wedding venue.
She wore a beige wedding dress and a black veil, while Jordan wore a brown tuxedo. She was so excited to share their story and their wedding online, and it went viral!
Isn’t it amazing how love can suddenly arrive at the most random time and place? Hearing their love story just gave us another hope that invisible red string theory might actually be real.
If Vanessa found the love of her life during an emo karaoke night out, then you might also find your significant love one! Who knows?