Here’s a clear and proper scenario; your partner once dated the person you know, and that person could have once dated the person they know, and then that other person could have once dated the person that other person knows.
Why make it sound difficult?!

You’re thinking it all wrong. No! This doesn’t have anything to do with food. Kids! Stop reading when you reach this part….
Because Cebu Food Web isn’t about a taste in food, but instead a taste in people. Romantically and sexually. Many mistake it for a food critic site, only to be corrected that it’s actually a dating trend.

Picture this: You are dating a most gorgeous and handsome partner, but little did you know, your partner once dated someone you know. Could be your friend, a relative, or an old friend from the past. But that’s not all—in the other way around, little did your partner know, you once dated someone he/she knows. A cousin? A friend? A classmate? Let’s just say it’s a classmate. And then that classmate once dated your partner’s old classmate. Now that you’re in your partner’s life, his/her classmate could be dating your old friend as well.
It’s all about mutuality. A “coincidental” encounter. Cebu is a small world, and everyone is connected in some way or another.


Here’s the essence of this trend: it originally wasn’t about the person you’re romantically involved with. It is all about something sexual—in other cases, a “one-time thing”. But then you discover that you might have hooked up with an ex of a friend or even an ex of your ex.

So, here’s a piece of advice for you, Sugboanons: perhaps it’s best to avoid dating people from the same city. You never know which date might come with unexpected connections!