No, you can’t blame method acting for your real-life actions…such as cheating on your partner.

Becoming an effective actor requires a wide range of skills, including the ability to disconnect from reality when performing. This is why there are many different acting techniques designed to help actors improve their craft, one of which is method acting.
Recently, the term gained attention after Anthony Jennings’ ex-girlfriend, Jamella Villanueva, shared “receipts” revealing his alleged affair with co-actor Maris Racal. According to Villanueva, Jennings believed that making his co-star feel loved and appreciated was the only way to ensure their work went smoothly and for his partner to perform well, especially since she was going through a tough time.

Method acting isn’t a new concept in the entertainment industry, and it’s not just Jennings who has used it to enhance his performance. However, not every method actor has ended up in a cheating scandal because of it.
Actors Who Opted for Method Acting
Let’s take a look at other actors who’ve taken method acting to extreme lengths to fully immerse themselves in their roles:
Mon Confiado

Mon Confiado, one of the most well-known method actors in the Philippines, shared that to authentically portray a “taong grasa” (a homeless person) in the film Sa Kabilang Dako, he spent a night on the streets without money, trying to survive as his character would.
Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro once took the streets as a cab driver for him to get to know what it’s like being one to characterize his role in “Taxi Driver.”
Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone pushed his co-actor to throw real punches during the Rocky films. The iconic scene where Rocky and Drago exchange real blows nearly cost Stallone his life. “Later that night, my heart started to swell, my blood pressure went up to 260, and I thought I was going to meet the angels. I had to be rushed to intensive care and flown from Canada to California,” Stallone recalled on Good Morning America.
Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey took his portrayal of Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon to such extremes that the production crew grew frustrated with him for continuing to act like the comedian, even when the cameras were off.
Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage went to extreme lengths for his role as “Al Columbato” in Birdy. He pulled out his own teeth and wore the same bandages for five weeks. His dedication helped bring the film to life, winning the Grand Prix Spécial du Jury at the Cannes Film Festival, one of its highest honors.
Christian Bale

Christian Bale shed 62 pounds for his role in The Machinist, surviving on a diet of apples, coffee, water, cigarettes, and whiskey to portray his character.
Austin Butler

Austin Butler, as he plays the role of “Elvis Presley,” shared that he opted to take on an Elvis speaking voice to get to know and embrace the character, and soon he admitted that it took a toll on him, “You can lose touch with who you actually are. And I definitely had that when I finished Elvis — not knowing who I was.”
Jared Leto

Jared Leto took his commitment to the Joker role in The Suicide Squad to another level, allegedly sending his co-stars strange gifts like condoms and anal beads, just for fun.
There are other method actors, both in Hollywood and in the Philippine entertainment industry, however, the aforementioned are the notable ones who really caught the attention of the public. But the question is, should we add Jennings to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below, Sugboanons!