Here’s How You Can Upgrade Your SSS UMID Card to SSS UMID ATM Pay Card

The Philippine Social Security System (SSS) announced that select members who applied for a “generic” UMID card and those whose cards have not yet been released can upgrade to a UMID ATM Pay Card for free.

Photo from Unsplash

If you applied for a generic UMID card, you are qualified to upgrade and we will walk you through the process.

UMID ATM Pay Card Explained

The UMID ATM Pay Card is an all-in-one Debit and ID card. The card will be linked to a UnionBank regular savings account. The best thing about this is that it has no required maintaining balance.

Here are other transaction you can do as a UMID ATM Pay Card Holder:

  • Receive SS benefits, loans, and refunds
  • Chashless payment at any online and retail outlets
  • Balance Inquiry
  • Withdraw and deposit cash
  • Transfer money
  • Bills payment

Who are Qualified to Apply?

SSS still has yet to confirm if those with existing UMID cards can also upgrade. Those who are qualified tp upgrade for free are those who applied for the generic UMID card and those whose cards have not yet been released.

Photo from Unsplash

How to Apply

Apply to upgrade your UMID Card in in 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Log in to your My.SSS account

Step 2: Click on “Data SHaring COnsent for UMID Pay Card” under the “E-services” option

Step 3: Give your consent to share your information to UnionBank

Step 4: Donwload the UnionBank mobile and and accomplish the online form

Step 5: You will get a notification from UnionBank through their mobile app stating that you have successfully opened your UMID ATM Pay Card account.

Photo from Philippine Social Security System – SSS Facebook Page

As easy as one to five, you can already upgrade your UMID ID Card to a UMID ATM Pay Card. It’s less hassle and very straightforward.

If you need more information, you may visit the Philippine Social Security System’s official website here.

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  1. There’s no option for “Data Sharing Consent for UMID Pay Card” under the E-services tab. As I have checked on the youtube tuturial their accounts are containing 7 categories under the Services tab however mine are only 6. Missing “Data Sharing Consent for UMID Pay Card” tab.


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