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Celine Dion’s Sister Shares the Singer “has no control of her muscles”

It is remembered that Celine Dion halted her singing and performing career after she was diagnosed with “Stiff-person Syndrome,” which is a neurological disorder that affects the singer’s ability to walk and sing. 

Photo from CTV Montreal

In the latest update, Claudette Dione, Celine’s sister, shared that the singer doesn’t have control of her muscles anymore.

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“There are some who have lost hope because that it is a disease that is not known,” said Claudette told 7 Jours. 

According to Claudette, Celine has been receiving support and love from the people in the Fondation Maman Dion, founded by the Dion sisters’ mother, to aid disadvantaged kids. 

“People tell us they love her and pray for her. She gets so many messages, gifts, and blessed crucifixes. She works hard, but she has no control over her muscles. What makes me sad is that she was also so disciplined.”

-Claudette Dion.

Celine Dion shared about her diagnosis in December 2022, which led her to put a halt to her tour dates. In May 2023, she officially announced the cancellation of her tour due to health issues. 

Photo from NBC News

Stiff-person Syndrome is a rare disease that scientists do not have much research on. It sadly affects the singer’s vocal cords since they are muscles. Moreover, it also affects the heart. 

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