Misa de Gallo is only a few days away, and for Cebu City, safety is always a priority.
According to Cebu City Councilor Philip Zafra, the Cebu City Police Office and the city government will increase security measures during the Misa de Gallo and other holiday activities in the city.

Moreover, commanders from different police stations in Cebu City will also work closely with the barangay captains. Minors cannot roam outside their homes from 10 PM to 4 AM.

Minors not adhering to the curfew will be reprimanded and brought to the Department of Social Welfare and Services (DSWS) stationed in their respective barangays.
However, minors can still attend the Misa de Gallo if and only if they have their parents with them or are accompanied by an adult.

During this holiday season, let us be vigilant to avoid any risks, accidents, and unwanted happenings.