The Cebu Cordova Link Expressway Corporation (CCLEC) will start the registration and installation of RFID stickers for motorcycles with engine displacements from 125cc to 399cc on July 1, 2022. These motorcycles can also pass Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX) starting on the said date.

CCLEX will start its transition to a cashless system for toll payments next month as it prepares the roll out of the mobile app for RFID load and reloading. With the transition, CCLEC is asking people to register their vehicles for RFID installation.
RFID registration for Class 1 to Class 3 vehicles is ongoing through the Online Registration and Appointment System (ORRAS) at By July 1, motorcycles with 125cc to 399cc displacements will be added in ORRAS and motorcycle owners can already sign up for their RFID under Class 1M.
CCLEX RFID registration and installation for Class 1M effective July 1 will be for FREE. To register, please follow these four easy steps:
- Go to our website at and click on REGISTER.
- Pick a date and installation site.
- In choosing a vehicle class, select Class 1M.
- Show your QR code to our installers during your appointment together with your OR/CR.
The RFID sticker for motorcycles will be installed on the motorcycles’ plastic headlamp. If the headlamp is made of glass, the RFID sticker will be placed on the visor or mudguard.

Partial Cashless System
CCLEC will have a gradual transition from pure cash transactions at its toll plaza to a mix of cashless before the implementation of the full electronic toll collection (ETC) system. Starting July 1, some toll booths will have cash payment lanes while others will already be converted to RFID-enabled lanes.
The launching of the app for the CCLEX RFID load and reloading will be done prior to the toll lane conversions.
At present, CCLEX has continuously installed RFID stickers to Class 1 to 3 vehicles all in readiness for the activation of the electronic payment scheme.
As for bikers and pedestrians, they will be allowed to pass CCLEX starting next month through the dedicated sidewalk lane located on either side of the expressway for free. For more details, be updated by following CCLEX’s official Facebook page @CCLEXexpressway.

Safety Reminders
When using the expressway, CCLEC is reminding motorists to drive at a maximum speed of 60 kph. While CCLEX is designed for a maximum speed of 80 kph, CCLEC is implementing a 60kph limit during initial operations as part of its safety measures.
Motorists are also asked not to stop at any area in the entire stretch of the facility.
For those who are paying toll in cash, they are advised to prepare the exact toll amount.
It will be recalled that no less than President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, joined by Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan, inaugurated the multi-billion-peso modern toll expressway that crosses the Mactan Channel, connecting Cebu City with the town of Cordova in Mactan Island, on April 27, 2022. CCLEX was then opened to the public on April 30, 2022, after four years of non-stop work.
CCLEX, an engineering feat and Cebu’s newest iconic landmark, is seen to not only ease traffic congestion in the metro but also spark socio-economic development in the province, according to a study by the University of San Carlos.
CCLEX, now considered the tallest and highest bridgeway structure in the country, is a project of CCLEC, in partnership with the local government units of Cebu City and Municipality of Cordova.
CCLEC is a wholly owned subsidiary of MPTC, the toll road arm of Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (MPIC). MPTC is a publicly-listed infrastructure holding company and a member of the MVP Group of Companies.

MPTC is the largest toll road concessionaire and operator in the Philippines. The company’s expansion goals include establishing toll operations in the Visayas, other parts of the Philippines, and in neighboring countries, notably Vietnam, and Indonesia.