Been missing that Sinulog fever every January? The street dancers, dancing to every beat of the drums, the colorful streets of Cebu, and the fun gala with the barkadas? Looks like we may experience this for next year’s Sinulog, however in a more precautioned setting.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama announced on December 7, 2021, that Sinulog 2022 will be in a ‘hybrid’ setting. It will be held virtually and physically.
He emphasized the importance of the turnout of the vaccination coverage in the city on whether or not to push through with the said event.
Photo from Patricio Junjet E. Primor Jr. Photo from Patricio Junjet E. Primor Jr.
To recall from last year’s Sinulog, the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) strongly disagreed to conduct the Sinulog festival, despite the proposition of the city government to have it in a bubble set.
This is due to the fear of the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).
The continuation of the festival would still depend on whether the city would be able to reach the designated number of herd immunity.
As of Monday, December 6, 2021, the health officials have recorded 92% administered doses of the Covid-19 vaccine of the 719,000 eligible population.
The city government has to vaccinate more than 59,000 more residents to reach the set target.
If the said target will be reached then the festival can be held in full physical activity.
Sinulog Fluvial 2020 Sinulog Fluvial 2020 Photo by Migs Rizarri