Soon to rise: Medellin Airport

On their 138th Charter Anniversary in 2019, Mayor Joven Mondigo Jr. shared his dream for a better Medellin – a new airport that will open the gates of the town to more opportunities.

The town of Medellin is considered as the “sugar bowl” of Cebu. The town has been relying on farming as a source of revenue for years but they have also started to recognize their potential as an economic and industrial zone.

Although the main source of income for the locals in Medellin is sugar cane, their production has also started to decline and it has put them in a tight spot. The addition of an airport in Medellin will be able to help the town get back on its feet and also provide more opportunities for the locals with the possible increase in tourism and other jobs in the new airport.

They have already spent P3 million pesos to secure a 10-hectare lot in Brgy. Caputatan Sur to be the site where the airport will be. They have also earmarked P100 million for the construction of the new airport.

With the collaboration of Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and the Municipal Engineer and Assessor Office, the idea was put into action and is already underway.

Latest update

As of August 7, 2020, the runway components of the Medellin airport were already being finalized and constructions are to start in 2021. Additionally, there are also plans of erecting an aviation school within the property and it has already been allocated a budget of P12 million.

With the construction of the new airport along with their new seaport, Medellin is expecting an influx of tourists, visitors, and business ventures to the town because it will make Medellin much more accessible from many places.

Opening the town to more people will not only bring the town a new source of income but it will also introduce more people to the wonders that Medellin has. It may even encourage many locals to stay and work in the comforts of their hometown instead of looking for other opportunities in faraway places.

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