My childhood, if not for street games, was also about Meteor Garden. Everything about Shan Cai and the F4 fascinated me, and still fascinates me even up to this day.
Hence, when Jerry Yan (aka Dao Ming Si) re-appeared onscreen with his chiseled abs, the public couldn’t help but share their amusement.
43-year-old Jerry Yan is currently in the Chinese romantic comedy “Count Your Lucky Stars” playing as an editor-in-chief. However, it is also not new to the fans that there is a 20-year age gap between him and co-star Shen Yue.

Nonetheless, Yan’s charisma, talent, and physique wouldn’t make you fall in love with the characters, and the series.
Jerry Yan, to those who are unfamiliar, was the rich bad boy Dao Ming Si in the Taiwanese rom-com drama Meteor Garden.
Watch his new series’ trailer here: