The Department of Trade and Industry Region 7 (DTI-7) goes digital as it joins the nation in celebrating the Consumer Welfare Month.
In response to the present crisis, the DTI-7 launched its Ready to Recover series of informative webinars held via its Facebook page to jumpstart the economic rebuilding and recovery process of the business sector.
These webinars were meant to tackle Smart Contact Tracing and how businesses can use the apps to keep their customers and staff safe.
The first session was entitled Understanding Smart Contact Tracing: For Safer Communities and for Faster Business Recovery. This was followed by Pitch Party: Curated Contact Tracing Apps and Pitch Party 2: Curated Contact Tracing Apps + DIY Workshop on QR-Based Contact Tracing System
Bannering the theme “Sustainable Consumer in the New Normal”, the DTI-7 will hold another webinar series in celebration of the Consumer Welfare Month on October 14 to 23, 2020. These webinars amplify the importance of consumer rights and responsibilities, as well as entrepreneurial integrity.
The following are webinar topics with corresponding dates.
- October 14, 2020: Consumer Complaint? The Right Agency for the Right Action
- October 15, 2020: A Sustainable Consumer is an Empowered Consumer
- October 16, 2020: Straight Talk on COVID Health Protocols
- October 23, 2020: Food Safety for Food Deliveries

We are inviting you to check-in at the DTI-7 official Facebook page on the said dates and watch these webinars!