4 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Learn Mandarin

If the sheer complexity of Mandarin is scaring you away from learning it yourself, maybe you can check if your kids are into it.

As SKY Select adds the “Miao Mi” channel to it’s line-up, now may be a good time to find out the advantages if your kids have the ability to speak it.


1. It exposes their minds to a very rich culture.

Knowing the language will help equip your kids to experience the richness of Chinese culture. Stories, wondrous traditions, and heroic characters abound that kids can actually enjoy and even learn from.



2. Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world.

Because Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world, there will be chances for your kids to encounter native speakers. Basic knowledge of the language will make it easier for them to interact.



3. A new language adds to your kid’s skills.

Speaking a new language can be an advantage for your children and it will make them unique to other people as they are exposed to another culture. Former British Prime Minister David Cameron said that by the time that the children born today leave school, China is set to be the world’s largest economy. That is why learning the basics of Chinese can be a huge factor for your children’s future.



4. Learning the Mandarin language can be fun and easy.

By watching Miao Mi, learning the Mandarin language will never be boring as it is packed with songs and dances your kids can enjoy. Also, the Mandarin language is made up of characters that fit together to create a meaningful word. Almost all their words also came from pictures that tell different stories that is why kids can be more interested in learning it.



sky-cable learn mandarin

Miao Mi on SKY Select

Choose to add Miao Mi to your current plan for only P20/mo. via SKY Select. It is also available on Select Kids Pack 1 and 2. Miao Mi is accessible via Channel 118 in Mega Manila and Channel 108 in Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Bacolod, and Iloilo.

To avail of this channel, visit mysky.com.ph/getmiaomi, or call (032) 421 1818 or your local SKY office.


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Ram Mancelita
Ram Mancelitahttps://sugbo.ph
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