I’ve always been a fan of shoes. Well, I can’t remember when it exactly began though but I guess, I was just born to love those. I think Coco Chanel was right when she said “a woman with good shoes is never ugly.” And I couldn’t agree more. I think that if you wear real good shoes, you’ll look good.
So you reading this, I think it’s time for you to start investing for shoes too. We’re waiting for you and we’ll be welcoming you in our club with open arms. And, if you guys want to find out where to find good shoes, keep reading. Though I really wouldn’t want to tell you guys this secret but yeah, I think it’s time for me to give you your fair share, right?
Ladies and gents, “BEHOLD!” for I am about to disclose the TOP 5 best boutiques where you can buy really good shoes. Not just good but substantial as well.
5. SO! FAB
I love their shoes. Like, seriously! The colors and the style? They’re just glam. So, if you guys are looking for that “whered’ya buy that shoes” kinda shoes, go for So! Fab coz they’re totally FAB! Hihi. Anyways, I don’t know if it’s just me who noticed this but, they’re prices really has 99 at the end. Hahaha! Is it, or isn’t it? Visit their shops at SM and AYALA. Shop in So! Fab for you to be totally FAB! *wink wink*

I don’t know if it’s just me or is it also you? Haha. Jk! But I am now a fan of boots. Yes, boots. I love how you can look cool though with the chic outfit. And if you’re looking for boots, too (just like me), I suggest you visit TOPSHOP. There boutique is located at 1st Level, Ayala Center Cebu. Though they don’t only sell boots. They offer a lot for us. So, shop at TOPSHOP!

No! Not the fruit, it’s the boutique. Hahaha! Mango offers not only shoes but also sneakers, loafers, and all. Their shoes are really good. Good colors, and comfortable. I am telling you, their prices are reasonable. Hahaha! ;) So, visit their shops in SM and AYALA Cebu.

Wait! I know you guys are thinking why this boutique is included. Haha! I mean, why not? Per their famous tagline; “SHOES ARE BORING, WEAR SNEAKERS,” I’m still trying to talk in general. Haha (me and my lame excuses). Hihi! But yes, this is by far my favorite boutique. Don’t bother askign me why. Just visit their shops in Ayala and SM Cebu and see for yourself. I know you’lll agree :) So, I wouldn’t talk more about them, just VISIT.

I know the TOP 5 is not enough. You may be saying; “Ngano wa man naapil ang Celine oyy. Or, ang Figlia, etc.” But wait! This is my opinion. Because if I’ll mention all of my favorite boutiques, I might consume more than just one section of this blog. But seriously, this ain’t a joke. At least, you now have a brief idea of what shops to visit first when you go to malls, right? This may not be enough but I’m sure this is worth a visit.
I’m hoping to see you on those aforementioned shops, and to those who are not yet shoe-a-holics, if you’ve reached this part, I know you’re meant to be ONE OF US! I ain’t kidding. You wouldn’t be reaching this part if you’re not that interested, right? So, go and save! Start to invest. For I believe that if you have a good pair of shoes, you can conquer the whole world. So let’s do it together! ;)
P.S. If you have any suggestions on what and what not to write, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks!