Some say, “Hey! Magpatahi kog sinina na pareha kang Kathryn Bernardo oy.” without realizing their physique is not like hers. You wish to wear what’s trendy yet you don’t look good in it. Girls, I know it’s hard. It’s hard to jump into the bandwagon if you just can’t. It’s hard to compete if you can’t even win over yourself. Well, as the cliché saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Meaning, if you can’t follow what’s the trend or latest in the fashion industry, then why meddle in? Don’t! You can have your own style! You can start a new trend. How to? Keep scrolling!
Knowing your shape, scale, and proportions will help you select the best clothes. PLUS! It’ll help you choose the right accessories that would help diguise the parts that you’re concious about. With this first step, you’ll instantly know what dress will fit you and will break down the barrier and that classic no-no that you should avoid so you can wear anything you want.
People say that if you’re born white, you’re lucky. So does that mean if you’re born dark, you are unlucky? Nah! I don’t think so. It’s just knowing what color will suit your complexion. There are colors that’ll make your skin glow and you’ll look fresh. There are wrong colors though that can make you look pale, tired and boring. So, all you have to do is know what color will suit you by simply experimenting at home. Put on the orange, pink, black, green, and so on so you’ll know. Always remember, with colors, it’ll help create the mood of your outfit too.
This is where the “If you can’t beat them, join them” comes in. You have to define your own personal style to set yourself apart from the rest. Create a trademark so that people will remember YOU. If you’ll achieve this step, it’ll result in a confident and comfortable girl behind your clothes. Always remember that sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone helps. It takes fashion beyond the basics!
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I’ve always wanted to make things easy especially in dressing up for work. And I think if you’re like me, this step is helpful. Let’s go and build the contents of your wardrobe! Well, we just need to make sure that we have the important essentials that build the foundation of your closet. In as much as possible, dissect your clothes by color so it’ll look neat and organized. And then, this will serve as your building block in creating a solid wardrobe that will help you covered on all occasions, all-year-round.
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With those steps, you’ve already assessed various aspects of your current style — by analyzing yourself from inside and out. So girls! I need your creative juices to flow in this last step. All you need to do is step out, and don’t rely on the basics for it won’t get your image and style anywhere. Now is the time for you to be creative and bold!
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​​So grab a notebeook and a pen, write those steps altogether and start to experiment with fashion and not the least, have fun! I just hope that this FASHION101 for you dear readers will encourage you to improve your wardrobe, style, and shopping efficiency for this is what this article’s about. Learn how to experiment with fashion and don’t worry about mistakes – you’ll learn from them and they’ll help you grow your style. STAND OUT GIRL, AND BE PROUD!
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Photos are grabbed from the wires. Copyright belongs to each of its rightful owner. Sugbu does not claim any of these images as its own.